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Native Child

Oct 31, 2006
Greetings everyone,
i am a newbie... a new purchase over the weekend.. a 22ft. travel trailer. I reside in a high elevated remote area (not in my trailer). I will only be using this trailer for very moderate travel especially during the winter season. I am now deciding on what to do with my trailer for the winter (winterizing). The tanks are full, both water and propane. I am wondering if i should empty my fresh water tanks (40 gals) to prevent freeze over or just hook up the trailer for the winter. if i hook it up, will it take much "juice" for the winter?
anyone with suggestions?
Can you be more precise about where you are located  State, Province and elevation?  If your temps get below freezing for more than a couple of hours, your trailer needs to be winterized.

Empty all holding tanks, and gravity empty the plumbing as a minimum.  I would connect a compressor to the plumbing system and blow it out.  The most vulnerable parts of your plumbing system is the fresh water pump, the solenoid that supplies the ice maker in the fridge, and the vacuum breaker valve in the toilet.

To protect these vulnerable areas, RV anti freeze should be pumped through the system, while by passing the hot water heater.  The hot water heater should be emptied along with the holding tanks.
I reside in the wonderful state of Arizona.. elevation 6,800-7,200 ft. It is starting to get cold outside now. We already had our first snow on the ground.. not much but it came. We live in the northeastern part of the state where the snow level is around 3 feet high. the days are nice now but cold at night. this afternoon when i return home from work... i plan on draining the water tanks and sewer system. the sewer system has never been used.
do i unplug the battery cables and turn off the propane tanks?
You want full bore winterization -- you have a full bore winter.? Nighttime radient temperatures can get to down to outer space levels at your altitudes.

Turning off the propane tanks is standard operating procedure for storage, even short term summer storage.

Partially discharged batteries can freeze.? Disconnect the batteries and put them in inside storage attached to a trickle charger.? Check the electrolyte at weekly intervals and top up with distilled water if needed.

Do everything Steve says.  He is from serious winter country.  BTW the anti-freeze he recommends is the potable stuff sold in RV stores.  Normal automotive antifreeze is poisonous and should not be used in trailer systems.
Yea, i guess you could say i do live in a "full bore" winter zone... ;) I will also contact my local fleetwood dealer.. i am a single parent and have read the single rver thread.. interesting.
must the trailer be leveled on a flat surface?
must the trailer be leveled on a flat surface?

Well yes, approximately level to live in.  For storage?  Not really, but I like a rough level, but I suspect my reasons are more obsessive than rational.  More important is surface and drainage.  Pavement is best, pea gravel next best.  It should not sit over or worse in a puddle, tho.
Okay, I drained all the liquids from the trailer and also air cleaned out any remaining moisture. i do however need to level it as much as possible... thank you
Native Child said:
Okay, I drained all the liquids from the trailer and also air cleaned out any remaining moisture. i do however need to level it as much as possible... thank you

Again, the level need be only approximate.  Adequate ground drainage is more important.  Also you should leave a vent cracked and inch or so to equalize humidity with the outside to prevent condensation on interior windows. 

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