Growing membership

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, that certainly took long enough :)  Congratulations, Tom.

Not only are there 100 members but many of them are posting frequently!  Really great job by Tom!!!


Obviously the membership approves of what they see in the new forum digs.  Congratulations on a job well done.
Hey stop that you guys! This forum works because we all play our parts, including members who actively participate and staff who keep it all flowing, help provide answers, and provide the glue.  All I do is provide the tools. I have to admit though that seeing the membership come out of the woodwork and seeing folks participate makes all the time and effort worthwhile.

Thanks to everyone for helping make it work and providing me with the incentive to stick through it all and find an acceptable (?) solution.
Yes, this is a VERY OLD message thread! I was exploring this "General Discussion" forum section and saw that there were 572 pages of topics as of today. On that 572nd page was this thread noting that the forum now had 100 members!

Membership seems to have grown quite a bit since then. :)
Yes, this is a VERY OLD message thread! I was exploring this "General Discussion" forum section and saw that there were 572 pages of topics as of today. On that 572nd page was this thread noting that the forum now had 100 members!

Membership seems to have grown quite a bit since then. :)
That was posted shortly after we moved the forum from our original host (Compuserve/AOL) in 2005. It took a while for existing members to migrate to the new platform and for new members to register. Membership rose to 3,000+ by the end of that year (2005) and reached over 14,400 in the following 10 years. What's more telling IMO is the fact that some of our original members are still with us 27 years after the forum was originally opened. Regrettably, as Seilerbird noted, a number of the original members have pave passed away.
I had a similar feeling on the weekend looking at a number of pictures in the many albums. A lot of the Framily whom Donna and I met at various rallies sadly are no longer with us, other than in the warm recesses of our memory.

That was posted shortly after we moved the forum from our original host (Compuserve/AOL) in 2005. It took a while for existing members to migrate to the new platform and for new members to register. Membership rose to 3,000+ by the end of that year (2005) and reached over 14,400 in the following 10 years. What's more telling IMO is the fact that some of our original members are still with us 27 years after the forum was originally opened. Regrettably, as Seilerbird noted, a number of the original members have pave passed away.
Having been a member of dozens of forums going back to the old Compuserve/Tapcis days (and before), it's a testament to the folks behind the scenes here such as yourself that has survived and flourished to what it is presently.
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