Handgun Ammunition through Canada to Alaska

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
Montana in Summer - S CA this winter
I shipped my handgun today from a dealer in Montana to a dealer in Alaska, however, I have several blocks of ammunition and was wondering what the process if any to transport the ammo in my vehicle to Alaska...

Anyone with recent experience in this....

Thanks - lets not turn this into a whole handgun argument - I am a licensed hunting and fishing guide and need a firearm for safety, some of those fisherman can get unruly when they don't catch anything!



I don't know but I would check with the Montana shop and then contact the Custom/border office in Canada for the real story.

Good luck, wish we were on our way north this year. 
Leave it home and purchase once you arrive. That will spare you a lot of time and paperwork especially if they decide to tear things apart looking for the firearm.
This link to another forum may give you a starting point...follow up with Canadian customs.
Easiest is to buy there if available.
A few years ago we crossed into Canada. I had stored the firearms and ammunition in the US. We are either unlucky or I am still in the computer for trying to board an airplane to the US in the 80s with a box of Cuban cigars so we normally end up being one of those who get more than just a wave through. During the walk through the agent found a couple of loose cartridges on the floor of the closet (my fault, I just did not clean thoroughly). This led to a series of tough questions (interrogation) and a very thorough search of the motorhome - several hours delay.

Please check the regulations. You do not want to go through what we did unless you are a masochist.
How much are you going to need?  Live large and buy new when you arrive in Alaska.  Would be a nice tip for the dealer that you had your gun(s) shipped to.
maverickbbd said:
How much are you going to need?  Live large and buy new when you arrive in Alaska.  Would be a nice tip for the dealer that you had your gun(s) shipped to.

If it is 9mm or 22lr, you can just about give up on finding it anywhere to purchase.
Water Dog said:
If it is 9mm or 22lr, you can just about give up on finding it anywhere to purchase.

Wow.  Seriously? Educate me.  Why?
maverickbbd said:
Wow.  Seriously? Educate me.  Why?

There was a run on guns and ammo right after the feds started talking gun control and those two calibers are some of the most popular. There are usually lines in front of sporting goods stores when gun owners know there is going to be a delivery to get the few boxes of those calibers that come in. Go to any Walmart and take a look in their ammo case. I heard an interview of some gun shop owner in Iowa a couple of months ago who was saying that he sold more guns between last September and the interview date than he'd sold in the last ten years.
Yesterday was a very lucky day for me. I?ve been looking for ammunition for my guns and everybody is out, and they are taking orders for future sales. Well, I wandered into this old hardware store just south of I-40 and this gentleman had plenty of everything I needed, so I filled up the back seat of my convertible and headed out. I needed gas in order to make it back home, so I pulled in to the first station I found.

Would you believe across the pump island I was using was a drop-dead, knock out sexy blond, fueling at the same time. We spoke with just a hello, and a few seconds later as she was gazing into my back seat she said ? I love to barter, would you be interested in trading some ammo for some real hot sex?"

Thinking about it for a few more seconds I said
?exactly what kind of ammo do you have?"
;D ;D
parttymer said:
Yesterday was a very lucky day for me. I?ve been looking for ammunition for my guns and everybody is out, and they are taking orders for future sales. Well, I wandered into this old hardware store just south of I-40 and this gentleman had plenty of everything I needed, so I filled up the back seat of my convertible and headed out. I needed gas in order to make it back home, so I pulled in to the first station I found.

Would you believe across the pump island I was using was a drop-dead, knock out sexy blond, fueling at the same time. We spoke with just a hello, and a few seconds later as she was gazing into my back seat she said ? I love to barter, would you be interested in trading some ammo for some real hot sex?"

Thinking about it for a few more seconds I said
?exactly what kind of ammo do you have?"
;D ;D

ROFL!!!  ;D

Reminds me of the joke......"I got a gun for my wife.  Best trade I ever made" 

{now in case the Mrs reads this.....It's just a joke sweetie!!}

I'm thinking with recent pending legislation shot down (no pun intended) the ammo supply may begin to loosen up a bit.  It might be worthwhile to call the shops in Alaska ahead of time and see what supply is like up there.
I asked about 9 mm - NONE. zilch, nada....so I will be filling out paperwork and taking mine with me....

Thanks everyone, Canada is less of an issue seems exit out of US and back in US needs to be documented. Canada will also collect a duty and then reimburse when it leaves Canada.

Something more to do....


Wigpro said:
I asked about 9 mm - NONE. zilch, nada....so I will be filling out paperwork and taking mine with me....

Thanks everyone, Canada is less of an issue seems exit out of US and back in US needs to be documented. Canada will also collect a duty and then reimburse when it leaves Canada.

Something more to do....


As if you don't have enough to do with planning a trip that long anyway, right?  Well, at least you know now and can make the arrangements.  What part of Alaska are you headed to?  My older bro was stationed at Ft. Wainwright in the 70's....Alaska is on my short list of places to visit.
Frizlefrak said:
As if you don't have enough to do with planning a trip that long anyway, right?  Well, at least you know now and can make the arrangements.  What part of Alaska are you headed to?  My older bro was stationed at Ft. Wainwright in the 70's....Alaska is on my short list of places to visit.

I am headed to Cantwell, right outside of Denali, will be working there for the summer. Yea, it is one more thing to have to take care of before I leave next week. I need to be in Cantwell by around the 4th or 5th of May.

Thanks everyone for all the feedback.

The following quote is stolen from an unknown author:

My greatest fear is that when I die my wife will sell all of my guns....

For what I told her I paid for them. ;)
Foto-n-T said:
The following quote is stolen from an unknown author:

My greatest fear is that when I die my wife will sell all of my guns....

For what I told her I paid for them. ;)

Isn't that the truth, on so many things.  ;D

Right now I'm concerned she'll notice my recent cigar order before she forgets the last one.  :p


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