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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AND CONGRATULATIONS.  May you have many more.  Will you be doing something special for this special occasion?
Happy Anniversary you two!  We're two years into our second 50th and wish the same good fortune for you.

Thank you all for the good wishes.  Yes, Don, you're correct - 50 years.

Will you be doing something special for this special occasion?

We were married on Saturday, December 1, 1962 in Reno at the Park Wedding Chapel.  This morning, Saturday, December 1, 2012, we renewed our vows at the Park Wedding Chapel which has been moved and renamed but they still use the old name.  We got a nice certificate with the old name.  No digital cameras back then so we have no photos of the 1962 ceremony, but this time we do!

Tonight we'll have dinner at Harrah's which also is a 50-year repeat.  Back then our wedding party consisted of my family's old Army friends.  Monty Bacon (82nd Airborne) was head of security at Harrah's.  During dinner Bill Harrah passed by and came over to say hello to Monty who introduced us by saying they had known me most of my life and we had just gotten married.  Mr. Harrah summoned the waiter and told him to put our dinner on his bill and to bring us a bottle of champagne.  What a nice gesture by a real gentleman!

Ardra and Jerry


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Congratulations Adra and Jerry.  Wonderful fete to make it that far.  How great to renew your vows in the same (almost) chapel.  We wish you the best for the next 50...

Daisy and Fred
Congratulations Ardra and Jerry. Not many make it that far. Nice celebration. Wishing you many more.
Ray D.  :)
Congratulations Jerry & Ardra! 50 Years! That's really something. Congratulations and good job you guys!

-Trevor & Roni
  Congratulations, the pictures look great, but there has to be a mistake, you're both too young to have been married for 50 years.

Ed & Donna
Congratulations Jerry and Ardra.  What a great milestone in your lives.  If I could count my first marriage, I would be celebrating my 57th in February. But alas!, it will be 30 for Shirley and I.  Would be nice to make it 50, but that means I have to make it to 100. (haha)


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