hard water spots on 86 bounder

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Dec 18, 2006
I need some help from the RV guru's here. My motorhome is a 86 bounder that was repainted back in 03 and I had it stored at a friends house. before I could catch it his sprinklers sprayed the side of my MH and now there are water spots about half way up the passenger side. Is there anything I can use without ruining the finish.
There is a product that I have used on my boat that is called (Wonder Foam). This stuff works great. I know that you would have to do a sample area to make sure it doesn't hurt that paint. But it is for fiberglass and paint application. Here's a link to a place where I use to buy it. It is now here locally. http://www.larsensales.com/. You can get it off the web. You can always try the vinegar and water deal. Goodluck

Here is one more link for you: http://www.cbhobbies.com/wonderfoam.shtml
Years ago when I had some jet skis, I bought some stuff at the boat shop that removed water spots. I don't remember the name of it, but boat shops should carry a product just for water spots. Lots of boats have darker stripes, and they tend to spot real bad. I've also used white vinegar straight to remove water spots on my cars.
I checked on were I could get the wonder foam and it appears to only be on the east coast. It looks like a great product but being in California it would cost me 24 dollars to ship a bottle out here. the shipping was more than the price of the bottle so I was looking at some stuff called ducky that looks like a good option and its here in Pasadena.
By golly I think that's what I used when I had my jet skis. It work real good, and kept my skis looking like new.

Yep, went out to the garage last night. Still have a bottle with a little left in it. It was Ducky, I'v used vinegar too, but the Ducky worked better for me. I used it with an old sweat shirt, inside out.
chuck7 said:
I checked on were I could get the wonder foam and it appears to only be on the east coast. It looks like a great product but being in California it would cost me 24 dollars to ship a bottle out here. the shipping was more than the price of the bottle so I was looking at some stuff called ducky that looks like a good option and its here in Pasadena.

When I lived i Californis it was available at boat stores all over. I can get it here in Idaho at the boat stores too, they have it in stock on the shelf.
92GA said:
By golly I think that's what I used when I had my jet skis. It work real good, and kept my skis looking like new.

That's good to know. there are a lot of products out there that claim to work but don't. I'm not into wasting my money on product's that fail to deliver.
hes4all said:
When I lived i Californis it was available at boat stores all over. I can get it here in Idaho at the boat stores too, they have it in stock on the shelf.

I searched for it were i live with no luck. living in the high desert there's probably not much demand for it but that's OK I'll order it online.
On my boat - I have had great success using plain vinegar and water.  Worth a try before ordering stuff.  Try it on a spot before going forward.  Vinegar is a great cleaning product.
We had hard water spots from sprinklers at an RV park.  The water district told Jerry to use vinegar water and that's what he did.  He also readjusted the sprinklers so they wouldn't hit our coach sides, but that's a different story.  :eek:

ArdraF said:
We had hard water spots from sprinklers at an RV park.  The water district told Jerry to use vinegar water and that's what he did.  He also readjusted the sprinklers so they wouldn't hit our coach sides, but that's a different story.  :eek:


Been there, done that a few times in my travels.

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