Harvest Host, sometimes improvements are not always good

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2021
Well since I joined years ago and really found that it not only met our needs the way that we traveled, but enjoyed the the experiences . We used it to purchase unusual gifts and supported the outlets being run by families in a small way. We continue to get email blasts telling us about discounts to join too, which I assume goes out to everyone thats currently a member too. I have no problems with it. But it would be nice to have a direction to express concerns to the management too.

They have now changed how you book the evenings to the point that communication is not much better than call centers of sorts for most big businesses that we are forced to endure. You fill out their forms, it goes thru a master system that sends an automated message and you now hope that someone gets back to you in a timely manner as you plan your route. Currently you are lucky if you get a reply back so that it does not create a worry if a space is available or to the point you need to look in a different direction. If you have a hickup on the road, or break down and cannot cancel, you get a ding. Three strike rule, while intended to help their outlets plan, given the communications issues , its not a cure all for no shows with the third party email transfers.

Without a timely reply we are subject to changing our direction. We are not fans of driving until zero 6 pm or so to alternative places for camping while looking for a space or at big bucks campgrounds for the lack of a known space. You can send a follow up thru their webpage and you do not get a human type reply.

We had to even look up the outlets on google to see if there was a direct number, which a lot had but with an answering machine and call them directly.

So if someone had direct contact to a human being at Harvest Host , their new and "improved" booking method has moved them back to a form of dial up internet communications in spotty regions, even when you are in well connected areas.

You do need to know something before getting into areas that some of the outlets are located. Our choices are targeted towards farms as the first choice,. with off the beaten path wineries for their different wines thats not sold on typical shelves. This was their main selling point in the beginning. If need be you could communicate with a human being, or leave a message and get a call back in a timely manner. Of course I understand the outlets are working at their businesses.

The beauty of Harvest hosts was that if you are sure of your direction and located in a well connected area as you travel, you could genuinely plan you route, mainly for the next day too. You could also change in the middle of the day and let them know. That did not happen on this last trip.

We have meet some of the best folks, the salt of the earth and hate to give it up. But COE and BLM lands is looking even better, even though their locations do not gives you the experiences.
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We are heavy users of HH and have found the same problems with the “improved” system. When it works it’s great, but…
What you describe is the reason we have not joined. Not really knowing where we might be and with most only able to host 1 or 2 visitors. Not big wine drinkers, me some, wife none. So vineyards were not appetizing, farms might be, golf courses not at all. I think it is great for some, friends like them for sure, but not for us. With your description, it pretty much removes it from the table.

Initially my resistance was based on not being able to see the options before you actually joined.
Well, this was the same company who,took a really good Boondockers Welcome website system and threw it away. Forced us to go to a much, much less capable system. Couldn’t figure out how to send notices to hosts for MONTHS. They still haven’t figured out how to save my rig length in my profile; I have to enter it every time. They are not very tech savvy, and their developers are not very RV savvy making for a difficult experience.
I actually had no trouble with the $50 fee for the old Boondockers Welcome site. It costs money to develop apps, to do the security testing the apple and android stores require, to maintain the servers, and all the other assorted tasks. I just wanted to make sure my money actually did that. Instead I got a substandard app, lost amazing amounts of functionality the old BW site had, and they now charge even more for it! Oh, and they cut the benefits the BW hosts got and gave them new hoops to jump through so a bunch quit. But yeah, HH tells me they have provided an improved experience for us BW folks. Sure…
I contacted Harvest Hosts about this and was told there are 3 ways to arrange a site and it is decided by the Host. Use the online form, send an email, or call or text. Whichever way the Host has decided is posted on the space to reserve a site. We will have to reserve judgement on this. Hotels, car rentals, etc. use these same methods to book a reservation and no ones seems to have a issue with that, so why is this such a big problem with Harvest Host? Chuck
I contacted Harvest Hosts about this and was told there are 3 ways to arrange a site and it is decided by the Host. Use the online form, send an email, or call or text. Whichever way the Host has decided is posted on the space to reserve a site. We will have to reserve judgement on this. Hotels, car rentals, etc. use these same methods to book a reservation and no ones seems to have a issue with that, so why is this such a big problem with Harvest Host? Chuck
Unless HH conveys your message in a timely manner, you cannot plan accordingly. Any follow up interest when you do not get a response gets the same automated reply. The system currently in place does not work worth a crap. I have been a member for seven years, IIRC, with a few months lapse during the years of Covid. In the current world where emails, texts and even direct phone calls are at your fingertips, the booking program has gone backwards.
I received a third party survey today asking us to rate HH and to give them feedback. We replied with an in depth description of the recent experiences.
Well it looks like this has become a "bash HH thread", better shut it down!
Oh wait, it's Canada we shouldn't bash, never mind.
I just used my Harvest Host membership to make reservations for two wineries this weekend and did not experience any of the issues mentioned above. Both wineries confirmed my request within a couple hours of sending the request.
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