has anyone ventured south from Arizona to Sea of Cortez?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2006
One of you well seasoned RVer's must have traveled south form Yuma into Mexico.  What's the scoop on insurance, fuel, and Rv parks?  Is it safe?  Thanks for any help.  A newbie
A lot of folks have visited Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco).  I haven't camped there but I did travel there and stay in a condo last February.  Rock Point is very friendly to visitors.  If you like fresh seafood, you can buy fresh shrimp and fish very reasonable.  I drove there from the Phoenix area, crossing the border at Lukeville. It was a piece of cake. You can find lots of info if you do a web search on Rocky Point.

We looked at two campgrounds while there, thinking we might want to pull the TT there sometime.  But both of the campground we looked at were too confining for us.  We like a bit of space between us and the next RV.  The two campgrounds we saw did not have that.
Having just attened an insurance seminar.

If you are planing on taking a vehicle or driving a vehilce in Mexico you need to purchase special Mexican insurance on your vehicle/person,  This can be either on the vehicle, or on the driver, or both.

MOST RV insurance companies should offer a "Mexician Rider" for a very reasonable price  (I heard numbers but won't quote them)

But you do need  to have specific wording in your policy to cover mexico,  Either a special policy or a specific "Add On" on your existing insurance.
If you take a vehicle to Mexico, you must have insurance issued by a Mexican insurance company.  It can be bought in all border towns, often from a drive through kiosk, but if you don't have it, and you are in an accident, you WILL go to jail.  And Mexican jails are not nearly as nice as US jails.
Thanks for your help.  I got an insurance quote over the net.  About $280.00 for an eight day policy.  I might as well leave the RV and get a hotel. 
Last year, my Mexican insurance through AAA was around $55 for 4 days as I recall for a Chrysler van.  You can buy it on-line.  Last February, we rented a 2 bedroom penthouse Condo in Rocky Point with a large walkout patio overlooking the pools and sea for $300 total for 3 nights.  I haven't been able to find that kind of deal this year though. Now until the end of February is considered the off season.
Baja California is safe except for the city of Tijuana.  You just drive across the border but you need a passport to get back into the U.S.  Use ONLY premium gas.  We have driven all the way down to La Paz and back as well as San Felipe several times and Ensenada a couple of times.  Some years ago I drove to Mexico City and back but I probably would not do that today.

But to answer you, Hwy 5 from Mexicali to San Felipe and with your tow car on to Puertecitos is a great trip.  With your tow car you might drive 20 miles beyond Puertecitos.  We drove a  Class C 85 miles beyond until the dirt road reconnected to Hwy 1 that goes on to La Paz.  San Felipe has lots of MH parks.  Go on the internet and get to book "The Magnificent Peninsula" by Jack Williams. It has Hwy maps, city maps, and detailed explanations of all the sights.  There are also many other books.

I think the 7th edition is the latest and I saw prices that were out of sight for the 7th edition.  We have the fifth edition and it is GREAT.

When driving in Mexico the best thing to do is make sure your current US insurance will cover your vehicles for collision damage and only buy Mexican liability and property damage insurance WITH Mexcan legal representation included.  This is because Mexican collision coverage says that your vehicle MUST by repaired in Mexico.  On the other hand, usually Amerian collision coverage, that includes Mexico, says that it will pay for repairs to enable you to drive out of Mexico and have the repairs done in th U.S.  If your vehicle needed to be towed out of Baja you would have to ask about that.

we use AAA insurance for the rv - buy it on line and save stopping at the border town for it -
we pay about $12/day for our 1991 class C. the insurance goes by value, so if you have a nice, newer rig, you can expect to pay more per day.
check this website for more info --


lots of great travel info for Mexico - and also get the book -

Traveler's Guide to Camping Mexico's Baja
Explore Baja and Puerto Pe?asco With Your RV or Tent
Third Edition
By Mike and Terri Church

that seems to get a lot of great reviews.
good luck, and be sure to report back where your favorite rv parks and restaurants were!


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