Hello from Ft. Lauderdale

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New member
Jul 19, 2006
Greetings ? After many years of sailing I am making the transition to traveling in a Class A motorhome.  Looking for something in the 40 foot range - I live in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and hope to spend the summers and hurricane season in the MH.
Two questions ? how important are Tag wheels on a 40 footer? As I have never driven a MH, I will be doing a lot of the travel by myself  how much of a problem is this (I will be towing).
After spending a week wandering around this site, what a great find.

Hi Jim and welcome.

The need for a tag axle or otherwise will be determined by the total weight of the coach. In addition to what the other axles can physically carry, there's a legal maximum weight allowed per axle. So the coach &/or chassis builder has to take this into account.

We have a number of folks here who travel alone in a motorhome and tow a car.
Although I don't have personal experience, I believe that a tag axle will significantly improve the straight tracking of the motorhome.  Since you are 40 feet, you might as well have a tag.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  In answer to your question regarding a tag axle on a 40 ft motorhome personally I don't think it is necessary as long as you are withing your weight limits.  Also the tag axle will take up at least one storage bay on each side.  We have a 40 ft American Eagle with no tag.  GVWR for our coach is 32000lbs  we normally weigh in at less than 31,000 lbs when traveling unless we have full fuel. propane and fresh water tanks at which time we will weigh in at around 31200 lbs.  Oh also we have been fulltiming since Jan 98.  When looking be aware of the weight ratings of any prospective MH and what the carrying capacity is.  Some MH have been known to have 0 carrying capacity.

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