Hello from K2TTI

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Mar 3, 2005
My name is Frank M. Kennedy and live in Plattsburgh, NY 12901
I recently purchased a Winnebago 1988? Super Chief.? Like me, it is an oldie but a goodie.? My wife, Jeanne and I plan on having a lot of fun RVing and visiting friends all over this country of ours.
I will have lots of questions, and Steve cdnrvr says this is the place to be.
So, here I am.? Hope to meet all of you soon.
Hi Frank. Steve gave us a heads up you were coming, and we're glad you made it. Let us know if we can help in any way.
Hi Frank!!

Really glad to see you on the Forum.  Feel free to check it out and try the Forum features.  Will be interested in your comments.  Also will look forward to your participation.  There are a number of Hams on the Forum and once the Forum is wide open, we can post some radio related topics.

Any chance you might have a photo of your coach you could attach to a reply?


Hi Frank

Welcome to the forum.  We're happy to see you here.  Feel free to ask away with your questions.  We have quite a few very experienced RVers here in most forms of RVing: Motor Homes Class A, B, & C, 5th Wheelers, Travel Trailers, Truck Campers, etc.
Hi Frank,

Welcome.  Glad to see you here.  Platsburg NY eh.  We frequented Platesburg when the Job had us based in Montreal.  We visited just about every week either Platesburg or Burlington Vermount.  Sometimes both.  You are sure welcome to join in any of the Forum Rallies such as the one coming up in Moab.
Hi Frank,

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll have a lot of your questions answered but watch out for Steve!! :)  Actually, I"m kidding. We live near Steve at The Great Outdoors.

My mother and her family came from the Mooers/Chazy area. Not too far from you. I used to spend a couple of weeks each summer up there. Had a cousin with 12 kids that owned a farm and saw mill. Lots of fun.

Hi Frank,

I'm replying to you and I haven't even checked in as yet. :)

I'm another Canuck and have a 1990 Winnebago Elandan that my wife and I thoroughly enjoy.

I'm sure we'll both enjoy this forum.




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