Hello from OH

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dog nui

Sep 2, 2006
Hello everyone,

Great forum!? Getting back into camping after many years.? In our younger days when the ground wasn't as hard and the tent was fine.? But now we have taken the plunge with a TT.? Yet to take our first trip but have done a few driveway overnighters.? My dad had a homemade popup tent trailer back in the late 50s and I picked up a few lessons from our experiences but now some things have changed a bit.? Gadgets!!? hahaha

With your advice and help, my wife and I hopefully will be able to show our grandkids a great way of life.

Thanks in advance for your help
Dog n Sal
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Welcome to the forum. Lots of friendly people here with lots of knowledge.

Whereabouts in Ohio? We spent a week in Ohio this summer. We had intended to just stop briefly at relatives in the Columbus area and then blow through the rest of the state but we discovered that it's a beautiful state and kept finding things to do.

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