Hello from Olympia, Wa.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Mar 2, 2006
Hi everyone,

We just joined the forum and looking forward to using it often
We retired about 4 years ago and have a 27' 5th wheel.
Most all of our travels have just been weekend stuff...however, we
trip to Oregon for about 3 weeks a year in the summer to visit family.

We are members of Thousand Trails, bu haven't used it a lot yet.

Next winter we are think of taking our first extended trip down to So.
Ca. and may Az. for about 2 -3 months or so.
We are debating whether to stay at several TT preserves or just do an extended
stay at one (maybe even work some part-time at the preserve.

Any thoughts or suggestions...any suggestions on which of the TT Preserves are
best down that way.

Hi Tennistm and welcome to our forum. I'm not a TT member, so I'll let someone else answer your question.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Like Tom we are not members of TT so hopefully somebody with experience using TT will be able to address your questions.  Glad you found us.
We are debating whether to stay at several TT preserves or just do an extended
stay at one (maybe even work some part-time at the preserve.

It's a matter of personal preference.  Many of us here prefer to move around a bit, see different palces and meet different people. It's part of the life style. But others like a more settled style and like having friends in one place, perhaps even returning year after year at the same time.

However, there's not much point in moving to a different site 10-20 miles down the road, just to say you have camped elsewhere. Staying in different places should involve going to different locales and seeing what each has to offer. Move around and see all that this great country has to offer, in terms of both scenery and people.

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