Hello from San Diego!

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Apr 14, 2005
I have a 1975 El DOrado that I take out to the sand dunes near Yuma, Az and to Martinez lake. It is great for the dunes and the river! Just wanted to say hi!
Hi Welcome to the RV Forum.  We have made a couple trips beyound Martenez Lake this year off roading. Have you ever been to the Red Cloud mine?  Please joing in on any of the ongoing discussions or start a new discussion relating to the RVing lifestyle.

Thanks for joining us.
Hi and welcome to the RV Forum.  You do your RVing near our winter headquarters in Yuma, AZ.  We have an RV Lot there and are usually in Yuma from mid September to mid June.  Feel free to  jump into any discussion here that interest you or start one of your own. 8)
Is the mine in the KOFA mt range? If so, been there just didnt know the name! I grew up in Yuma so I have been pretty much everywhere. My brother works at YPG also...he really knows the area!! Thank you both for a nice welcome. I am sure I will have some RV questions in the future as 1975 RV's tend to need some TLC!
I wAS just in Yuma this weekend... I played in a softball tournament... It is getting hot there! lol
Trader4Less said:
I wAS just in Yuma this weekend... I played in a softball tournament... It is getting hot there! lol

Nah!  Mid 90's isn't HOT.  Just pleasantly warm  ;D.
Trader4Less said:
I wAS just in Yuma this weekend... I played in a softball tournament... It is getting hot there! lol

We've had 90? weather for the past week here in the Phoenix area. Haven't had the A/C on yet.
Luckily were I stayed at we had a swamp cooler and its really dry out. But you are right...going to be HOT real soon!
Smart move! That is why I moved 5 years ago to the san diego area.. Just got tired of the blistering heat!

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