Hello from Tacoma, Washington

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New member
Apr 20, 2005
Hi all, we just graduated from a 9'4" camper to a 35ft Tiffin Phaeton!? Looking forward to our first trip.? Any suggestions for RV insurance and service plans?? Hope to see you on the road.
Jim and Francette
francet157 said:
Hi all, we just graduated from a 9'4" camper to a 35ft Tiffin Phaeton!? Looking forward to our first trip.? Any suggestions for RV insurance and service plans?? Hope to see you on the road.
Jim and Francette

Hi Jim & Francette,

Welcome to the RV Forum Framily.  We are glad you found us.  Congratulations on the new Tiffen Phaeton.  I'm sure you will enjoy it very much. For RV Insurance it is best to call several agencys and compare.  RV Alliance is the agency we use.  Another angency I have heard good things about is Millers Insurance agency.

Thanks for joining us.
Hi and welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us and hope that you stick around and participate on a regular basis.  Your new coach sounds nice.  Ron has given you a couple of suggestions on insurance agents.  Just check around but stick with the agents that specialize in RV insurance.  You will generally get a better deal.  As far as "service" is concerned, are you speaking of mechanics, etc., or RV road service?  ???

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