Hello from the UK

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Mar 14, 2006
England UK
Hello, thanks for a friendly and helpful forum.We have been to the USA several times but this will be our first venture in an rv.
Best wishes, Ed

This Forum is unlike any other, the group here is more like a family extension. Always quick to help and discuss. Glad you found us ! ;D
Welcome to the RV Forum.  I think you will get a kick out of RVing in the USA.  Hotels and resorts tend to isolate tourists from each other and from us hordes of Americans.  An RV campground is more like an instant community than a hostelry.  People chat with each other and tend to live out side their RVs in decent weather.  Take a small Union Jack with you and fly it from your RV -- people will walk up and introduce themselves.   
Welcome to the RV Forum and thanks for joing us.  Like Carl mentioned RVing here will be a lot different than staying in hotels.  Rvers in general are a very friendly group and easy to get to know.  Hope you can join us at one or more  of the RV Forum rallies while you are here.  Glad you found us.

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