Hello frrom Mi and Fl

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New member
Oct 4, 2006
Hello Just wanted to introduce myself and wife We are Mel and Jan Morelll currently living in Mi . We have a home in The Villages in Fl .we want to move there and be there 8 months out of the year. Selling our Mi home and will become sort of full time RVers. for 4 months out of the year.
It has been a while since we have RV ed like about 20 years . Did all of the camping things from Tent to Pop up to P/U camper.We are looking to buy a new 5er and new TV or a Motor home DP. Will need lots of help . Look forward to meeting all of you ether on line or on the road. I am retired and the wife will be retiring in Feb 2007. Mel and Jan Better know as the Melanator
Mel and Jan,

Welcome to our forum. Let us know if we can answer any questions.

Meanwhile, good luck with the plan to move your home and spend several months a year on the road. My wife and I spend a similar amount of time on the road.
Hi Mel and Jan,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.  Thanks for joining us.
Hi Mel & Jan and welcome to RVForum.net!

We are sort of neighbors of yours - our home base is just  east of Ocala in the Ocala National Forest. We spend about six months there and six months in the motorhome somewhere else in this great country!.
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