Hello newb looking for A mh

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New member
Oct 26, 2006
so cal
Hi Everybody,
  I am very new to the RV community don't have an RV yet but I am actively looking for a Class A motorhome 30' to 34' and just trying to learn what I can, and make an educated decision so I will be lurking around and asking questions.
  Thanks for your help and patience  ;D  Ralph
Until one of the Forum officials get here,  Welcome.    Just ask away and your answers will be forthcoming.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.  ave fun shopping. Thanks for joining us.
Thanks am going out today to look at some motorhomes  ;D[br]Date Posted: October 28, 2006, 12:08:46 PMHi everyone I am new to RVing I am currently in the market for a class A mh I was looking at a National  Sea Breeze the other night it was new and had a nice floor plan was wondering if anyone out there has any experience or opinions on the Brand it is a gas unit with a V10 ford and 5 spd trans thanks for any help
I've been driving a 2002 Dolphin LX on the WQorkhorse chasis since it was new and have been satisfied with it, though the initial teething problems were greater than I hoped. But everything has been working great for the last 3-4 years.

I'm putting it up for sale since we are now shopping for a larger rig. Contact me via email if you would like more information. It's priced for a quick sale.

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