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Claudio and Christine

Active member
Dec 27, 2012
im doing this again to give more info on me and my gf.
she is new to rving{im still tring to convince here....  lol}
me ive bin in an rv once or twice....also had a winnebago chifftan 30 foot  1984{needed lot of work}
i fixed it all up then i had to sell it :mad: .... never got to go anywhere in it after it was fixed  but did party in it while i fixed it
i had to test fridge after i fixed it....  lol  {keep beer cold}[i also repaired gen.  roof ac unit engine problems  and two water leaks]
now i want a 37 foot elandan and i want to re model it  im 42  live in south florida and in a ase certified auto tech.also good at home repairs..
she is 38 also from south florida{well we both from ny originally} is a speech therapist and is slowly openig mind up to the winnebago idea....
she likes the new ones  i mean like 2013 new...... since i dont have  400.k  i will  redo an old winnebago elandan 37 foot.
if any one  needs help from south florida area  give me a call or email....
soon as i find my rig i will  show you all  then the fun begins....

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