
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2012
Hi All!
I'm completely new at all of this and need advise/opinions so what better place to start than with experienced Rv'ers!  :)

Now to find where to post in. 

I'm looking forward to hearing what you all have to say. 
Welcome to the form.  Enjoy your stay and if you need any help just asked ;D
Check out the forum Library for advice on buying an RV.  But before you even go shopping, you need to think about how you will use the RV, e.g. how often, length of trip, miles traveled, how many people, hook-ups vs bondocking, and a host of other criteria.
Hi Gary, and thanks for the advise.  We've been looking a long time, and I am weary.  I think we need a truck, and hate to take a beating on this 2013 Jeep, that we would get for trading it off within a years time.  :(
Paws4It said:
Hi Gary, and thanks for the advise.  We've been looking a long time, and I am weary.  I think we need a truck, and hate to take a beating on this 2013 Jeep, that we would get for trading it off within a years time.  :(

Why not keep the Jeep and tow it behind a motorhome?
Well now that's a good suggestion, but hubby is going to try to work 3 more years, even though he could retire now.  Once he retires then we plan on getting serious, but for now we are getting our feet wet.  It's a pretty big Jeep though, not the small Liberty's.  I dont know if you can tow this one.  Well, I guess you could.  forgive me, hunger is taking me over.  lol

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