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Jul 15, 2006
Hello everyone!!  I am new to this RV thing.  We borrowed Grandmas Motorhome to go camping last month and loved it!  Now we are thinking about moving out of our house with our 2 kids into a 5th Wheel.  We live in California and its very Pricey here!
Welcome aboard.

Fulltiming is a wonderful sense of freedom and excitement, but not always for everyone.  I would suggest first test driving as many 5th wheels as you can.  Also, perhaps, even look at some motorcoaches.  It took as 2 years to settle on a motorcoach, and 3 years altogether to make the move from a stick house to a house on wheels.  We learned a lot along the way and avoided some mistakes by taking our time.
How long have you tried to live in that motorhome?  Borrow it for two months and see how you like it.  Especially with 2 young kids.  Stay in a long term park, not traveling over the country on a vacation.
Hi Debra and welcome to our forum. We have numerous fulltimers here who have lived the fulltiming life for a number of years and wouldn't change it. Carl offers some good advice about trying "fulltiming" in a borrowed RV for a few months. Finding out it really wasn't what you expected can be an expensive mistake.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  I will second the suggestion to try a long term stay in a RV to see how it fits you and your family before making the commitment.  We have fulltimed since the beginning of 1998 and have enjoyed the lifestyle.  However, we never sold our property and now are getting to fix up the house and become snowbirds.  It is a great life.

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