Help! Lights aren't working.

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2006
We have a 2004 Simba, Safari, 33'.  Here's the problem.  We aren't leaving for a couple of weeks, but Jim wanted to check everything out now.  When he plugged the magnetic lights (that go on the tow vehicle) into the receptacle on the motorhome (it's a flat four plug which comes off a round six) nothing works.  Everything in the motorhome works including the tail lights.  The tow lights are new, only used on one trip in the spring and worked fine that time.  Jim said he checked all the fuses.

The only thing we had a problem with last trip was the reading lights over the bed won't work.  Changed bulbs and again checked fuses.  I only mention this because I don't know if it could be related.  (that trip we didn't have a tow vehicle so didn't use the lights in question)

Anyone have a clue???

JoAnn & Jim
Get a test light or volt meter and start checking the connections.  It is a good possibility that one of them is damaged.
The "flat four" connector has a ground lead (typically the white wire).  If this wire is not connected, none of the lights will work - sounds like your problem.
You mentioned that the tow lights were only used once.  That said, along with the adaptor from the 7-way round to 4-way flat used infrequently, corrosion could be the culprit with so many connections involved.  The 12vdc test light and VOM would be your friend in tracking this gremlin down.
If nothing works on the toad lights, odds are its the ground wire connection, either in the light harness or the plug on the coach. You can get a tester for a 4-way trailer plug for a few dollars. Try an auto parts store or even the auto dept of Walmart or KMart - they often have them with the trailer plugs and light bulbs.
Thank you all, I'll pass these along to Jim.  He said he tested with the volt meter yesterday and had no power at all.  I'll keep you updated.

For my Flat 4 connectors (They make them for other configurations as well) I have a 3-light tester (If you have a 7 pin I think it is a 6-light tester)  In fact I have a couple of them.

One, which normally hangs on the turn signal lever, is a "line termination" Type (That is it is a flat 4 "Trailer end" plug with the 3 lights and that's all, it terminates the line.

The other is a pass through (Take the 1st and add a "Tow vehicle" end hooked up so it passes through) this one is best. 

When (back on Jan-2 2006) I plugged it into my RV cause the towed's tail lights did not work (Stop and turn were OK but no tail) I very quickly narrowed the problem down to the Motor home, not the towed.

I then reviewed a couple documents, pushed a button in the towed, and headed for Las Vegas. where we got the Motor home fixed (other issues as well).

That's one handy tester.
Thanks everyone.  Jim finally found the culprit.  There were some wires that were corroded.
Thanks again!


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