Help with Dish Network setup

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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 3, 2005
Elkhart Lake, WI for the summer. Work at Road Amer
Some folks down the road from me have a newly installed Dish Network system and a Winegard automatic dish. They say they can't get channel 120 (for example) which is on either sat. 110 or 119; don't know which. The system menu only shows sat. 110, and when trying to select channel 120, a message comes up that says it's a subscription channel, blah, blah, blah. They say they have paid for it (and others) and also cannot get network feeds in spite of having sent in the affidavit.  I'm thinking that because their receiver thinks they haven't paid for the subscription, the dish will not switch to the proper satellite. Not knowing anything about Dish, can anyone help?

Thanks from Bob and Nancy.

P.S. Told them to call Dish and find out why it says they aren't subscribed to those channels.
"I'm thinking that because their receiver thinks they haven't paid for the subscription"

I believe your right ! In my experience you have to be connected to a land line phone for the reciever to update the channels. After the update then its good to go on the road with it. Of course that was a few years ago.
Hi karl,

You do not have to be connected to a phone line to update the reciever. If they are not getting all of their channels they will have to call Di9sh at 1-800-333-dish, they will verify the programming and send the right signal through the sat. I have had this done 2 or 3 times and it does take a few mins. but works every time for me.

Karl said:
P.S. Told them to call Dish and find out why it says they aren't subscribed to those channels.

I am in the process of working with Dish just now.. And this I can tell you.. The DISH interactive channel requires you be connected to a land line,  (I think it's 100 or 110) other channels, including Pay Per View, do not, However DISH has to send the activation command over the sat link and your receiver has to receive it.

To do this you call DISH at the number others have provided and specifically request

What's more.. Where my MH is parked.. The dish won't dish (power line interference) so I've got to wait till Jan 2 when I move it to call back to dish.. The rest of the time the account is "Sleeping" (low charges)

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