Helper Springs

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Aug 1, 2005
My 2005 Ford F-250 squatted about 4 inches in the rear when the 5er was hooked up. I put a set of 3500 lb Helper springs on and it doesn't squat anymore. As I was leaving the shop where the installation was performed, the mech said "You will able to haul more now." Have I changed the amount of weight that I can tow/haul by installing the springs?
Dave in NC

Springing is just one factor of tow ratings.? ?Engine, transmission, and braking capacity all add into the picture.? Stay with your mfr's tow ratings.

Shoot, my F350 Dually with Tow Boss squats about 4" also when I put my 5W on. The big thing to consider, when the trailer is connected, how does it sit (nose high, level, nose low)? When mine squats, everything is level ... the back is high without the trailer. Now, if I could figure out some way to 'automatically' re-aim the headlights ....

davehill said:
My 2005 Ford F-250 squatted about 4 inches in the rear when the 5er was hooked up. I put a set of 3500 lb Helper springs on and it doesn't squat anymore. As I was leaving the shop where the installation was performed, the mech said "You will able to haul more now." Have I changed the amount of weight that I can tow/haul by installing the springs?
Dave in NC

Your mechanic don't know what he is talking about.  The ONLY way you can get the GVWR changed is to get the vehicle manufacture to do it which I doubt you would be able to convince them to even consider.  Weight ratings are affected by more than springs.  The engine drive train, frame, brakes tire capacities all come into play.  To exceed the weight ratings of a vehicle is placing yourself, family and others around you in danger as well as exposing ones self to severe liability consequences should an accident occur.

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