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New member
Sep 13, 2019
Hi im in London UK and I have been thinking about importing an RV with a garage back from the USA

I am wandering how difficult that is and how expensive I have a rough idea for transportation but no idea about tax if applicable

Also I know I have to keep it under 40' in length to stay legal in UK but I intend to travel Europe extensively mainly Spain an was wandering would it be better to import here but to take and register in Spain straight away

Your knowledge on these matters would be much appreciated
Hi, I live in Scotland and travel in the US for 6 months.

If you are doing it yourself I believe if you import immediately there are heavy taxes but after a year these reduce significantly.

There are dealers in the UK that will import for you, depending on what you need.

Obviously the electrics, lights, brakes etc may need altered for UK import so bear that in mind too.

Another member has done that - TonyL.  He can perhaps give you some advice.

I'm just typing these as they pop into my head. I'm using my mobile and in a car so apologies for the way this is written.

Let us know any specific questions and we will try to help.

The rule was that, in order to avoid VAT, you had to have owned the RV a year before importing into an EU country. The unknowns of Brexit may change the rules, and you may wish to contact the VAT folks. Meanwhile, check out our message board entitled Visitors to the USA, and our forum library section of the same name, here.
Hi there and welcome to the forum. I assume that you are looking at an RV and not a travel trailer or fifth wheel. There are several companies in the UK that import rv's from the US, and have all the electrics and road lighting already converted. Most will also have a propane conversion on the engine to help offfset the high fuel bills you will encounter. The downside is that the UK importers know how to charge. ( Take a look at itchyfeet website, they are in Daventry) If you import yourself, it will need road lights converted and registration documents before you can take it on the highway. I know there is a company in Southampton that will do this, and Southampton would be a good import location due to its proximity to you.
The only way to get around high import and VAT is to buy and use it in the States for 6 months before shipping.
Regards and good luck
Sorry, I really should check facts before I post. Itchyfeet are no longer trading, try empire RV or signature RV. Furthermore, I think others on here maybe correct in that you must use it here for 12 months before importing to minimize tax and VAT.
I'll repeat the suggestion to check with the VAT folks. Things do change, and they'll change in the near future.
Trying to understand the no VAT, import tax "incubation" period for an American RV that I want to import into Portugal from the states.  I've heard both six and twelve months from responsible parties who should know.  So I'm more than a little confused.  I'm applying for Portuguese residency and don't see any problem there so far.  However, the idea was to live in my RV, use a close friend's address as my permanent address in Portugal.  But the difference between six months and a year dramatically impacts my planning, especially since I'm in the process of buying the RV I want to export/import now (selling the one I own) and trying to decide when to pull the trigger on my residency application somewhere consistent with the predicted arrival of the covid vaccine and the exact time it will take to wait out the taxation costs.  If the UK hadn't Brexit'd I could possibly work through a UK broker to get answers to all these questions but I'm wondering now whether that would help.  Since we're talking ultimately residing in Portugal, maybe a UK broker wouldn't have been of much help earlier, even though, from what I understand, Portugal is loaded with a whole bunch of UK retirees (whose status is about to change, subjecting them to many of the unknowns I'm facing myself as a Californian).
c9mc9d said:
Trying to understand the no VAT, import tax "incubation" period for an American RV that I want to import into Portugal from the states.  I've heard both six and twelve months from responsible parties who should know.  So I'm more than a little confused.  I'm applying for Portuguese residency and don't see any problem there so far.  However, the idea was to live in my RV, use a close friend's address as my permanent address in Portugal.  But the difference between six months and a year dramatically impacts my planning, especially since I'm in the process of buying the RV I want to export/import now (selling the one I own) and trying to decide when to pull the trigger on my residency application somewhere consistent with the predicted arrival of the covid vaccine and the exact time it will take to wait out the taxation costs.  If the UK hadn't Brexit'd I could possibly work through a UK broker to get answers to all these questions but I'm wondering now whether that would help.  Since we're talking ultimately residing in Portugal, maybe a UK broker wouldn't have been of much help earlier, even though, from what I understand, Portugal is loaded with a whole bunch of UK retirees (whose status is about to change, subjecting them to many of the unknowns I'm facing myself as a Californian).
Can't your friend in Portugal help you find out.  After all Portugal will be the ones imposing any taxes so you will need to comply with their rules.  If your friend can't speak Portuguese perhaps they know of a local multilingual lawyer who could help.

Not 100% sure but we thought it was 12 months before you were exempt from tax to bring something back to the UK.  This site states 6 months and has some links that may help:


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