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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Feb 19, 2006
I'm new to the forum. Purchased a 1998 23PT Companion last year. Have a Lincoln Navigator as TV. We farm and ranch in southern Alberta and since our camping season is also limited to a few weeks in a year, we decided not to invest too heavily in something that we only get to use 4-5 weeks out of 52. We had our first season last year and are looking forward to this new year. We are planning a trip to BC and the Sea-Tac area in July. Looking forward to learning lots of things from everyone on this forum. Thanks.
Welcome to the RV Forum and congratulations on your new RV!  What is the Sea-Tac area...not familiar with the name.

Feel free to join in any ongoing discussion with your comments or start as many new discussions as you wish.

Enjoy the RV Forum!
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  Please join in on any of the ongoing discussions, ask questions, or start new discussions relating to the RVing lifestyle. 
Hi SteveCDN!

Sea-Tac is an abreviation for the Seattle/Tacoma area .
Thanks for the additional information.  We're always pleased to see new Canadian members join our Forum community.  Hope you will make the Forum a frequent online stop!

SWD, Welcome!

We've another Alberta couple, the Daljmiers, that are long time forum members. However, they're often out of the continent doing humanitarian work with either ther church or another humanitarian agency. Elie & Jack, are their first names I think. We keep missing each other when they try to get to the southwest.

I knew the Sea-Tac answer as I lived in Junea, years ago.

Again, Welcome!

Your short travel season could be a lot longer (depending on circumstances, of course) We have places like Arizona, California, Texas, Alabama, Florida, etc.,  and Canadians are more than welcome to share the winter sun with us! :)  Heck, a bunch of Forum members are going to Alaska this spring to escape the great weather ;D

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