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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2006
New Hampshire
My wife and I just purchased a 1996 Country Coach Intrigue 40 DP with a 300 Cummins we pick it up tommow.we have been reading this site for some time and it looks like alot of good information, and very nice people. Iam shore we will have a lot of questions this is our First RV ( we jump right in with both feet ;D) We have look at a lot of coaches over the years and we did the research and found the one we wanted. hope to see ya on the road. :)
Allow me to welcome you to the forum until the forum officers have an opportunity to officially do so.? ?Quite sure you will be well satisfied with your purchase..? Lots good things said about those units.? Join in and happy RVing.
Hi Brian and Tarra. Let me add my welcome to Shayne's. Congratulations on the Intrigue, that's a nice coach. Let us know if you have any questions and we'll try to get them answered.
Congratulations on the new coach. Is your user name related to hairy children?

Wendy, Mike, and Sam (chocolate lab)
Rabbit Valley, Colorado/Utah
Yes lol. Two Blacks and a Yellow female that drives my crazy ::) They are our kids would not triad them for anything.
Would you like a 9-year-old chocolate male to round out the colors? Just kidding. Adopted Sam after having a perfect black male and perfect Sam ain't, but we love him anyway. Finally found a way to tire him out.....boondock and let him out to run around in Mother Nature.

Enjoy the forum. Lots of friendly folks here, many with hairy children and lots with the answers to just about any question.

Wendy, Mike, and Sam
Rabbit Valley, Colorado/Utah
Hi Brian & Terra,

Welcome to the forum. We used to own a '98 Intrigue. We now have a 2000 American Dream. I'm sure you will have many wonderful miles and smiles in your new rig. Ask all your questions here as this is one place you will get honest answers.
Welcome aboard, Brian & Terra, and congratulations on buying the Intrigue.  Feel free to fire away with any questions that arise - no matter how silly they may seen. And let us know about your RVing adventures as well.
Welcome to the RV Forum and congratulations on the ountry coach.    Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.  Thanks for joining us.

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