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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Apr 13, 2005
My name is Ilse, my RV's name is Emma.  The two of us will be starting a new adventure together this fall. 
I live in Sequim, WA, but really only get to see my home on weekends.  During the week I'm in California working for the City of San Jose....24 days left to retirement!  Then I'll have to get rid of dozens of years worth of stuff and rent out the house.  I expect to be fulltiming by September.  Next week Emma gets hydraulic levelers installed, and sometime in May or June we'll go big time and get us a DataStorm.  In the meantime, I hang out on various forums.  I just found out about this forum from a post on the DataStorm forum and couldn't resist...it's amazing how much I have learned in the last couple of months just following various posts.
BTW, Emma is a 2000 Tioga 29V, just the right size for someone who has never camped in anything larger than a 4-person tent.
Hi Ilse,

Welcome to what I consider the friendliest forum in cyberspace. You will certainly get all the information you need here. I'm sure you know many members have either Datastorm or Direcway satellite data service. Just ask your questions and you'll get your answers. ;D


Welcome to our friendly forum. Glad you decided to join us. Sounds like you really are counting the days to retirement. Hope you'll stick around and join the discussions here.

So, do you live in Emma in San Jose and have the house in Sequim, or is it the other way around? We lived in west valley (Westgate area) for 10 years before moving to wine country (Livermore valley) in 1990. SJC sure has changed over the years.
Welcome aboard, Ilse (and Emma too!). We hope to hear more from you as your  adventure progresses. Feel free to jump in any conversation or to post questions about your new lifestyle. There are lots of fulltimers here who can help out.

Welcome to the RV Forum and Framily.  24 days to freedom. bet you can hardly wait to start off on your new adventure.  Any chance we will see you in Az for the winter and maybe even at the Quartzsite rally in January?

Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or start a new discussion.

Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for the welcomes.  So far I'm signed up for the Life on Wheels class in Idaho at the end of June, then I'll go down to Oregon, probably take daughter and grandkids to Crater Lake, and swing by Redmond to get a DataStorm installed.  This fall I'm signed up to attend the DataStorm rally in Kerrville, TX, and in January I'll be in Quartzite for the (Escapee) Fulltiming Class of '05 get-together.  In between I hope to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity as much as possible, and whenever funds get short, I'll try to do some work through Kelly Services or Manpower.  Pretty full calendar.  It makes me tired to think about it...specially, since so far I've driven my MH a total of about 10 miles and have not yet experienced the joys of dumping!
Life on Wheels is an excellent place to learn about the lifestyle.  They know almost as much as we here do :)

There are several Motosat Datastorm owners here and we can answer most questions you may have on that system or DirecWay in general.  As you're going to the rally in Kerrville, you are probably already registered at the datatormusers.com site.  We were at the rally last year in Kerrville and you will have a good time and learn a lot too.  Unfortunately, we won't be at the next one, but will make one again in the future.

In January, we have our annual rally in Quartzsite, so watch this forum for the dates.  Hopefully, you can join us there for at least part of the weekly event along witht the SKP rally.
By all means if you are in Quartzsite in January next year please join the framily at our annual QZ rally.  We usually have over thirty framily coaches present and a lot of good times.  Watch this site as time gets closer for exact dates.  Rally is held same week the RV Show is held in the big tent. 

Ilse, just wanted to jump in with MY greetings and welcome to the forum although others have already welcomed you.  Feel free to jump into any conversation or start one of your own.  Hope you make it to the Quartzsite RVForum rally in January.  We always like to attach a face to a name  ;D

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