Hi everyone...new to the forum and have a few questions.

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New member
May 21, 2019
Background...we purchased a used 2007 Fleetwood Niagara...in good shape with only minor issues. So...I'll just dive right in if it's okay.

We need to replace the awning (the bag is torn at the zipper seam) and I've done my researched, but I'm still just a tad bit confused. What is the best brand to purchase (cost, warranty, etc.) I realize people can be loyal to a certain brand...so I'm just curious as to what the majority feels.

The roof seems to be in great shape, so I'm just wandering if it is beneficial to do an sealing to it. Is this something that you do? We had a fifth wheel prior and that needed to be sealed. Not sure if a pop-up is the same way.

Some modifications were done to it and we enhanced on those...such as wire shelving for storage when in use, solar thermal sheeting to keep it cooler, led lighting. If anyone would like to share on any modifications they suggest, all are welcome.

I don't have pics right now, but going camping this weekend and I'll add them once we get it setup.

Thanks for reading and happy trails campers...Stephanie & Dave
Welcome to the RV Forum Stephanie & Dave

Can't help with the awning...But I would suggest cleaning and inspecting the roof. You may need to add some self leveling sealant to areas that show some wear.

You can find various ideas for modifications throughout the forum. It just depends on whats important to you.

A couple of things I did...
I added a 6" pipe under the back bumper to store ALL of the water dumping supplies. This keeps it far away from the clean water hoses as well as our other things

I also added a drawer under one of the bench seats. It's easier to use the storage space for kitchen stuff. (My wife loved it she wants me to do the other bench)

You just have to stand back and think about what need and is it possible.
And if your not sure well post a question and we will give our thoughts. (Pictures are always a good idea when asking questions)

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