Hi from Cranberry, PA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Aug 18, 2006
Cranberry, PA
Hey everyone. Haven't been on the RV Forum since it was on CompuServe! For those that may recall, used to live first in Slippery Rock, PA then Saxonburg, PA, and had a Bounder 40Z with aftermarket slide. Various circumstances caused the sale of the rig, but once it's in your blood... well you know how it is. Hoping to get back in the market in the next couple of years, so starting the education process now (so much has changed in the last several years!). This time will be looking in the $100Kish (used) pusher diesel class, something 2003ish or later (the Discovery 39 L, S & J all look interesting). Will have loads of questions later, just a "hi" for now - glad I found y'all - always enjoyed the stories and education I found on the forum.

Talk soon,


Welcome back to the RV Forum.  As in the past this is a great source for RV related information so ask any questions that you have.

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