Hi From Nova Scotia

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Pete & Carolyn

New member
Oct 29, 2006
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hi Everyone

We are Pete & Carolyn from Halifax, NS.  We had a 30' TT for 7 years and are currently upgrading to a 40' 5th wheel.  We bought a 2007 Cypress 37LSRE and are in the process of bringing it home.  We bought it in Calgary about 4000 miles away when we were on vacation.

Peter's brother works for Woody's RV and we ordered our unit from him.  With our savings on buying with his brother's discount, we still save by having to have it shipped across the country after it came out of the factory.  We got a backhaul price from a trucking company to haul it from Calgary to Toronto for us.  We have to go to Toronto to pick it up.

We left last Thursday to go get it, 19 hours of driving one way.  5 hours into the trip we had truck troubles and after a night in a motel, trip to a Chev dealer, more troubles 2 hours down the road, we had to turn around without our new baby. 

Plans are now to have them haul it the rest of the way, or try again next weekend to go get it.  I'm going crazy waiting for it.

We don't full-time as Pete works, but we practically live in our trailer from April to Nov.  Our son races Motocross and we travel on weekends from race track to race track in the summer.  We also have a seasonal site about 40 minutes out of the city that we use as our "base camp" and when not racing, our unit becomes our summer home/cottage.

So that's a little about us.  See you around the forum.


Hi Carolyn and Pete. Welcome to our forum and congratulations on the new 5th wheel.
Welcome to the RV Forum and congratulations on the new 5er.  Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.  Thanks for joining us.

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