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Feb 6, 2019
Hi I'm Jung and I live in Seattle wa and been living a long suburban/ city life and need to explore wa more. I currently living in apartment and rent in Seattle is super high! Average is around 2k a month. So I wanna ditch the apartment and get small trailer (start something small) like the falcon f14 travelite here https://youtu.be/HvkSjYQ1Cd0

it just caught my eye as it was light and looked bit modern and has bed, shower and place to eat. It's around 20k and seems bit expensive for something that small but wondering what are your thoughts?

I plan on living in this and sometimes crashing in my folks place while saving up for a condo . Then rent out the condo ( is that seem like a feasible plan?)

Meanwhile I can do my work which I do graphic design for midsize company that where my projects are done remotely and having that small table should be enough for me.

Some questions I have are

1). Getting smaller trailer as I probally will be driving random places and thinking driving will be much difficult now that I have an attachment and I'm sure larger the trailer it seems to pose more of a hazard for newbie like me. So wondering smaller they are , more easier to maneuver?

2). Also smaller size I feel your saving more gas (this trailor is at 1650lbsonly) and I drive a 2019 bmw x1 compavt suv which is around 31mpg hwy. How much more gas is it when towing this around? And I'm guessing  heavier the rv or trailor more gas guzzling, common sense tells me but how much more?

3). Is small trailers like this more unsafe then larger trailers where people seem to not bother you etc?

4). If it turns out I get the condo and loan and end up living there instead, are small TVs or trailer rv have pretty good resale value? Since theres no engine etc.. I know it depreciates but not as much as a car right
Welcome to the forum. 

Yes the smaller the trailer the easier it is to maneuver.

Gas mileage will drop quite a bit to about half I'll guess.

I don't think trailer size has anything to do with safety from others.

Can't tell you about depreciation...don't know.

Now I have a question for you...where are you going to put your trailer when you live in it? Do you have an RV park picked out?
I was thinking bout that .. so seems moving in with folks on weekdays and then go to some park rv site or somewhere you can stay overnight on weekend. (Cant miss church though :) . But anyone do this to save up for condo? No way I can stay who week with my folks lol.. they are gone mon thru fri anyways (they come back in evening due to work)

But saw someone say there are apps where your able to stay random places overnight. It wont be leisure time for me as I'll be doing work and wont be all.the time on weekend either since I'll be hanging out with friends etc..

But wondering do I have to get this also insured as well? So it will be like two car insurances?

Also.question about solar panel. If I get one on the roof will I be pretty much getting free energy and dont have to use battery that comes with the trailer ?

I think the falcon 14 is bit pricey as I saw you can get get good layouts and larger one 16 to 20 for this price range. Would be nice to see alternative similar ones like this size any reccomendation?
Lot's of people think staying in an RV is cheap until they find out you have to have full hookups (water, electricity and waste tank disposal).  Figure $55 a day in the Seattle area.

Just parking along the street in Seattle will be a problem. 

You need insurance on the RV...I'll guess $600, could be wrong.

Getting your car prepped with towing equipment will be about $600.

Don't count on solar to get you through what you need, only a hookup to power will suffice unless you go with multiple batteries and large solar panels.  Kinda cloudy in Seattle....

I'd look for a small used RV.  Have you ever used an RV before?

Welcome to the RV Forum nakamuru

I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, But your not going to save much money trying to use a RV for a home.

If your not experienced with RV's the learning curve can be expensive.
Arch Hoagland said:
Lot's of people think staying in an RV is cheap until they find out you have to have full hookups (water, electricity and waste tank disposal).  Figure $55 a day in the Seattle area.

Just parking along the street in Seattle will be a problem. 

You need insurance on the RV...I'll guess $600, could be wrong.

Getting your car prepped with towing equipment will be about $600.

Don't count on solar to get you through what you need, only a hookup to power will suffice unless you go with multiple batteries and large solar panels.  Kinda cloudy in Seattle....

I'd look for a small used RV.  Have you ever used an RV before?

Cant you just go to 24 hour locations and park . I saw some YouTube videos and some allow that and I know some city ordinants wont and not sure if they will just knock on your door and ask to leave or they cited you for it. But Walmart has policy that says you can contact manager about it. As mentioned mostly I'll be going on weekend trips to hiking places with campgrounds (I used to go to these places and was around 25 a day) 

You mentioned car towing equipment is this done by like uhaul or special rv place. Not sure if its same but uhaul towing kit was like 250 .. but probally different.

And rv insurance for 600 is per year right? I'm guessing smaller the rv the cheaper?

Yes its cloudy in Seattle so solar panel I questioned. Summer and spring is pretty clear.
nakamuru said:
Cant you just go to 24 hour locations and park . I saw some YouTube videos and some allow that and I know some city ordinants wont and not sure if they will just knock on your door and ask to leave or they cited you for it. But Walmart has policy that says you can contact manager about it. As mentioned mostly I'll be going on weekend trips to hiking places with campgrounds (I used to go to these places and was around 25 a day) 

You mentioned car towing equipment is this done by like uhaul or special rv place. Not sure if its same but uhaul towing kit was like 250 .. but probally different.

And rv insurance for 600 is per year right? I'm guessing smaller the rv the cheaper?

Yes its cloudy in Seattle so solar panel I questioned. Summer and spring is pretty clear.

Even getting small trailer will end up costing a lot I'm assuming. But larger and more weight of trailer it seems cost keeps escalating. I dont mind the cost involved as I can afford it .. just if i wanna save up for condo I'll need better strategy to cut the cost. But nothing beats parking in a campsite and go hike and come back and do work in the trailer. I experienced this. Few times after renting a rv for a week and was great
Hi! Welcome!
Having an RV or a tiny home can be as costly as an apartment. (in some areas)

Your trailer depends a lot on your tow vehicle's towing abilities.
start with what your vehicle can tow safely..... subtract 1,000lbs ... then look at trailers in your weight range....

Insurance is based on "value" of the Trailer not so much the size.  If your trailer is financed, you have to consider that the cost of your insurance will reflect this.

I'm not sure this is a great way to save $....
Look at your budget carefully and see were you might be able to redirect funds...
As an example:
If you drink coffee, start keeping track of how much you are spending on coffee (if you go to a coffee shop)
I did the math and no longer buy coffee at coffee shops, I have a full coffee maker at home, thermos, and a small coffee maker at work.... We save $200 a month, buy doing this (both my husband and I combined).... there might be a way for you to do the same.

Maybe (based on your post while I was typing) your "weekends out with your friends" will turn into weekends around the campfire and you will be able to save, by not going to clubs or out to eat?

Again, I would send you back to your budget and track your spending carefully for several weeks.
Well I work in tech industry and my work deadline is pretty crazy.
But it's also fulfilling and joy of working in a small trailer I realize I focus well in the nature. I do confess I need to budget as I'm spending around  250 to 300$ weekends. (Yes I will change please dont give me heat lol) it's because I'm dating a princess who doesnt demand but I seem to destress by just spoiling her (this will change too) and enjoy spending time with her (she works too and puts in her 35% of the share lol but makes lot less then me). Anyways I'm pretty young so no regrets as I'll be getting help with budgeting from some planner I'm meaning up soon. I seemed to work a lot so when it's free time I tend to go all out. So guess I'm going to be more minimalist which will be hard as I grew up in Seattle and housing here is like top 10.in usa for cost. Even saving the 250 to 300 on leisure a week will still be long road to get condo here so seems I just splurge. But it does help my work when Monday rolls around lol.

But yes this is the year for budget for me. Being in Seattle theres like Starbucks across from.starbucks and I basically buy coffee daily (sometimes 2x a day). I will implement having own machine and drink coffee that way. Taste good just have to make habit of making it lol

I'm also gonna be just making sandwiches or learn some cooking and go Costco and get un bulk. I eat out probally 4x a week and that's gotta stop. Lol

So if I purchase trailer without finance (falcon f14. Lite is around 19k but I'm sure all hidden taxes and other charges will be around 21 to 22k)
Not sure how much insurance will be. I know I can use this for condo but right now my apartment rent is around 1650 month but walking distance to where I work and all the city amenities. I dont mind downsizing to other place but I just wanna try the small rv life and see If it's for me while moving in back with folks and get my finances In order.  Rv ing wont save me much but will save me from current apt lol

I do have no credit debt (hard to believe yes).

Sorry for rant but just posting to get ideas which action I need to go. As mentioned I did try rv for one week and I focused well sitting in table near nature and got lot of work done. My apt although was really nice just for some reason I ended up lounging and watch tv.

Question is.  If I do this for 2 to 3 years I can mostly save up for condo and still keep the trailer or sell it and move out again from parents. Is this seem like practical plan? It all depends on me I know but sometimes people who chime in have good experience and I like to know!
Your biggest problem is going to be where to keep the RV.  Assume you move back in with the parents for a while after you buy the RV. In that case you can store it in storage places that take RV's. Probably around $100 to $150 a month.

The problem of living in it everyday is where the problem shows up. If it were cheap and easy everybody would be out living in an RV. Look around, you don't see that anywhere except in Quartzite AZ where you can camp for free in the desert. 

So I'd suggest calling around to find a location where you can stay.  If you find what you think are free places, with the app you mentioned, go to those places and talk to the people staying there. They will have a lot of information about where to stay.

Uhaul does brakes, etc. Did their price include a brake controller installed inside the car?

Call your insurance company and ask them about the cost of insurance in your area. 

I'd really suggest looking around for a used RV, look on Craig's list and local RV places.  $19,000 is a lot and if you picked one up for maybe $12,000 you could use that extra for an RV park.

I seem to buy anything that moves (bikes, cars, etc) brand new always and is interesting that I myself aren't very organized etc but having a used one seems to make me think about what kind of things went on without knowing. I'm sure previous owner might have been more cleaner then me but maybe it's some stigma or psychological thing I need to overcome lol.. Where is a good used place to check out (i think radius of around 100 miles should be good from Seattle). RVtrader.com seems to be good.

Low mileage like under 500 or 1k etc seems to be new in my book as well ..  But rv's (mini trailors I'm referring to as this is what I'm looking for).. Seems like mileage doesn't matter much since it's just wheels right?
Instead of getting a small travel trailer, have you considered getting a camper van or a truck camper. With either of those options, you don't have to worry about storing a trailer.

However, you need to do a lot more research to decide if living in an RV will help you meet your goals. For instance, there are waste tanks in an RV; one for human waste and a separate one for sinks/shower drains waste.  So, even if you find free places to park, you'll still need to pay for dumping the waste tanks. In addition, you need to decide how you will obtain electricity to operate the living space lights, operate the pump on the water tank, along with providing electricity for your microwave, computer, TV, etc. You'll also need to plan to be able to fill your RV drinking water tank with potable water.

There are individuals who successfully live in RV's and only occasionally pay to park in RV camping parks. But, it takes a lot of knowledge, planning, commitment, and sacrifice.
Yes I have considered getting the Mercedes sprinter. Then I went back to my financial goals and budget of getting condo in Seattle and realized going back to folks and then going out with trailer not just one weekends but when folks kind of don't give you the space and leave. But I think weekdays at parents home is ok as mentioned they work till evening. Not that I hate my folks but just that we aren't on same page on many things.

I always wondered about he waste etc..  (i don't really like talkinga bout it but it's good to know). Does it basically go in some kind of bucket and you just empty it out (like honey bucket). If going more cleaner route, is there way to put some kind of disposable cover in bucket and remove that and throw it way where it's allowed? How often do you have to clean the drain etc..  Long as it's my waste, I'm not too disgusted hahah .

Moving on to more pleasant things,  Since I'm in Seattle, solar panel will probally not be good source of continued charge for batter except late spring/summer. Since there will be weekdays where I'll be just randomly going places and bring my work with me, battery is important. Would getting a quiet extra generator be good ?

I suggest renting an RV for a couple days.  You will quickly learn many things that only experience can teach.

Kinda like learning to ride a bicycle...you can read 10 books on it but only getting on one teaches you how to do it.
I think Arch has a great idea.  Take a notepad ~~ Write down all info Rental folks give you on how to operate RV [or have a list to ask them about before you rent] ~~ Start a new page and write down everything else that occurs to you.  Could also take a walk-around video while asking RV place how to use RV.

Also you state  "...Well I work in tech industry and my work deadline is pretty crazy. ...".  If your work depends on WiFi DO NOT depend on CampGrounds to provide what you need.

JM2?  ~~  YMMV
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