Hi, new here!! Where to begin?

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New member
Oct 6, 2005
Hi, I'm Pat. John and I bought an old , 1978 Itasca 17/18ft, rv last year. He basically rebuilt the inside as there was water damage etc. We have been reading posts here off and on this whole time.? Ok..long story short. Kids have left, we think the house is sold and we are strongly considering moving down to the Gulf area to work.? We have some things to do to the RV in order to be able to live in it through the winter and we have questions regarding conditions in the RV parks down there.? ?I thought I would start here first.

First, we need to put in a water heater. The old one was kaput. Any suggestions would be helpful.? ?Second, the pilot light piece was broken off the heater last fall when John took the heater out to clean it.? We did ok around here with elec heaters in Dec but wonder about replacing the heater for the southern trip.

I'm posting this but I'm sure John will have to read any technical advise. I like to leave the mechanical stuff to him.
This is a great site and it's wonderful to think about being able to really travel. We won't have the ability to travel without working but look forward to meeting people and seeing the country.
  ;D? ?Thanks,? ?Pat
Hi Pat and welcome to our forum. Glad you decided to register and log in.

I'll let others jump in with an answer to the water heater question. Meanwhile, feel free to ask any other questions you or John might have.

Congratulations on the house sale.
What is it you want to know about installing a new water heater? They should come with instructions on  the hook-up, along with an owners manual.  You will probably have to do some carpentry work, as newer model heaters are likely a slightly different shape/size. 

I would recommend a "DSI" type, one that ignotes the gas on its own whenever there is demand. No pilot light to fuss with.
Hi Pat and John,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  I'm sure you will getting some answers to your question regarding water heaters and any other questions you have.  Glad you found us.
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