Hi Ron

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Big Guy

New member
May 30, 2005
Ron said:
Our American Eagle is also on a Spartan Chassis and we have nothing but excellent support from both Spartan and American Coach.

Why would Fleetwood drop Spartan?????? I would not to even venture a guess.? I often wonder what some of the big companys are thinking when the devert from a reliable supplier.
ron and sam, been a long time since hear from you. this is gerry and lee and big guy we are in austin, tx at the moment. how long will you be in mich ? you are correct about spartan. they are great when it comes to support. this is our second travel supreme on a k2 chassis and they have been great. will be in mich late aug.,maybe we will cross paths. is your cell the same number as in 2003?
Big Guy ,

Hey good to hear from you guys.  It has been a long time.  We plan to leave Mich around the 24th of Jun and head back to Sam's Camp in Lewistown, MT. where we will be until sometime in Sept Yes we have the same cell Ph nbr.  Should you get to Montana please stop by Sam's Camp in Lewistown.  We have a full hookup site for you. 

Glad to see you on this great RV Forum.  Hope you will be able to join us at one of our rallies.  Hope you guys are doing well.

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