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Sep 29, 2005
Damariscotta, Maine
Hey folks, new forum member (and RV owner) here.  I am currently full timing in my 5th wheel while my house is being finished here in beautiful mid coast Maine.  I have learned lots through experience so far, lots from helpful road warriors at a couple of campground I have stayed at, but am still learning lots.  While I was at the great Shore Hills Campground int Boothbay, gotta say it is a little weird leaving for work everyday!  But I am feeling more settled now that I am on my own land, even though I am currently dry camping (no nothing!).

In less than 2 weeks I will be packing up my home and be heading down to Georgia for the Australian Shepherd Club of America Nationals.  This will be my longest trip with a trailer of any kind, though I have hauled horse trailers all my life.  In the trips so far I have been very happy with how both the truck and the trailer have handled. 

I appreciate your helpful and frindly atmosphere.
Hi Pam and welcome to our forum.

Nice breed of dog. Are you a breeder or trainer? In the nationals, do they make the dogs work with sheep, like they do at the Welsh sheepdog trials? Or are they like show-ring events?
Hi Tom, yup they will have a full herding trial (actually a couple) there with cattle, sheep and ducks.  They will also have agility trials (like on amazing dog), obedience, tracking and conformation (like Westminster).

I have not bred a litter yet, and only have two dogs, so don't consider myself a breeder.  I do work part time as an obedience instructor here in Maine.  I work my dogs in everything but tracking at this point. 

Kinda funny to see my two relatively big dogs bound out of the RV, when most folks have nice compact dogs.  The girls have adjusted well the smaller living space.
Pam, when the dogs work the herd, do you use only a whistle for instructions? It's always fascinating to see well-trained dogs do that.
Hi Pam,

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will find lots of info here.

Hope you are going to spend some time in GA. It sure will get mighty cold in an RV in Maine in the winter!!!! :)
Hi Pam,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad yopu found us.  Like Jim mentioned hope you get to come south before the snow arrives.

Don't pay attention to this group, their blood is really thin! 8)
I WISH I could winterize by heading south, somehow not sure the State of Maine (my employer) would appreciate it!

Tom, some folks use whistles, other use plan voice, it is amazing to watch.  % days and counting to the big trip.  I am heading to Conyers (the olympic horse park).  Sounds like there are going to be about 4 RVs convoy-ing together.  My club is hosting one of the shows down there so a BUNCH of us new englanders are heading down. 

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