Hi, We're New In Town

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New member
Jun 2, 2005
Well, looks like we made it here safe enough. We bought a 91 Winnebago Chieftain 2 weeks ago, and it's been pure adventure ever since. Not the adventure of actually USING it, more the adventure of sitting in it with a 4 inch thick manual trying to figger out what any of it means. Hey, I got it started and successfully set the clock, so there. My wife and I are in our late 40's, and we live in SE Missouri. Look forward to talking with you in the future, and we have more questions than a 5 yr old, so be prepared.
Congratulations on the purchase. Don't let the reading material get in the way of you using and enjoying the coach. Meanwhile, feel free to ask those questions and we'll do our best to get them answered.
Welcome to the RV Forum Framily.  We are glad you found us. Congratulations on the purchase of the Winnebago.  Is your first motorhome?  I'm sure you will enjoy it.  You have found the right place to ask any questions that you have about RVing.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or start new discussions relating to the RVing life style.  Hopefully you will be able to join us at one of our RV Forum rallies.
Welcome to our RV Forum online community.? Glad you've joined us and we'll be looking forward to your participation.? Congrats on the new Winnibago.

It would be interesting to hear your first impressions on your new rig, which you may wish to post in the MOTORHOMES discussion section.? ?Perhaps even attach a picture of your new coach!

Enjoy the RV Forum
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