Hot water on electric not getting as hot

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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2015
About 3 years ago when I bought my rig I replaced a lot of the parts on the hot water heater - electric element, anode (yearly since), both 12V and 120V over temp cutouts and the electric on/off switch on the unit - it's been working flawlessly since.

Lately I've noticed the water isn't getting as hot while on electric. I've only had the element either work or not, do they sometimes just degrade? Can't imagine what else it would be.
The element is like a light bulb, it either works or not.  The temperature is controlled by a thermostat, Google your model number for a replacement part number.  You might want to be sure that any bypass valve is fully closed before buying parts.
lynnmor said:
The element is like a light bulb, it either works or not.  The temperature is controlled by a thermostat, Google your model number for a replacement part number.  You might want to be sure that any bypass valve is fully closed before buying parts.

I kinda thought they were on or off also. Good idea on the bypass valve, I might have bumped it.

Re the thermostat, I presume you are suggesting the element may be working but the thermostat builtin to the element may not be working correctly?
It could also be that the outside shower, if you have one, is shut off at the shower head and not at each valve thereby allowing cold water to infiltrate the hot water side and not giving you as hot water you're use to getting. Check that out.
If the water is hot enough on propane but not as hot as it should be on electric, it has to be the electric thermostat opening the circuit at too low of a temperature.

The thermostat isn't inside the heating element, it's an external button attached to the tank wall.  Follow the wires from the electric element to find it.
Lou Schneider said:
If the water is hot enough on propane but not as hot as it should be on electric, it has to be the electric thermostat opening the circuit at too low of a temperature.

The thermostat isn't inside the heating element, it's an external button attached to the tank wall.  Follow the wires from the electric element to find it.

Thanks Lou. I replaced both thermostats 3 years ago and think I may even have a spare. Because the thermostats have an over temp reset I thought that was their only function and temp regulation was handled elsewhere. Today I learned...  :))
Are you someplace where the ground water temps have dropped a bit? The temp of the incoming water can affect how fast the water will heat, and recover especially when it cools off a lot outside.
SargeW said:
Are you someplace where the ground water temps have dropped a bit? The temp of the incoming water can affect how fast the water will heat, and recover especially when it cools off a lot outside.

It's a little cooler Marty, but it wasn't recovery time, overnight it was reaching full temp. I replaced the thermostat today so that should have fixed it

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