How Far South?

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Many years ago my aunt & uncle moved from VA to Dallas.  As the moving van was being unloaded some neighborhood kids saw my cousins' sleds & asked what the funny looking wagons without wheels were.  During their four years in Big D they actually had a chance to use the sleds when they had a snow that stuck around. 
When I was a kid in Abilene, TX, on those rare occasions when we actually got snow (maybe an inch or so), my brother and I would be out in the yard frantically trying to make a snowman -- usually we wound up with a soccer ball-sized (or smaller, sometimes softball size) lump of snow covered in Bermuda grass.  :p On the other hand, I have fond memories at Christmas time of sleeping on a cot in the back yard with some visiting cousins. Of course this was all in the early '50s...
lnuss said:
On the other hand, I have fond memories at Christmas time of sleeping on a cot in the back yard with some visiting cousins. Of course this was all in the early '50s...
Should be better now what with global warming and all.  ;D
DougZ said:
Anyone that went to this years Daytona 500 knows that it get cold here in Florida. Brrrrr...

But if you draw a line across Florida from Tampa , Daytona is almost 100 miles north.........
If you're handy to FL, thats the place we snobirds fly to, LOL. TampaBay seems to be pop these days as the other stops are way over booked, ie Orlando and Miami Beach areas.  No need to book a spot, there are many camps and places to park there now since the Meltdown.
    Unfortunately, we need to go North about 75 miles, then West about 450 miles before we head South another 1,500 miles to get to St Petersburg.  And that sojourn starts tomorrow.  Forecast is for rain and warm temps, hope they are right!!

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