How readily available is towing/moving help ?

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New member
Aug 16, 2006
Montgomery County , Tx
Howdy folks,
This may be too hard a question(considering time,locale,circumstances etc)but... I plan on buying a 5w and putting it in a park for a year or so. Since it won't be moved or used(towing) for a long time I haven't been worried about the truck.Now however, after reading so much about the weight/safety aspect I'm a little concerned. I know folks with good size pickups(friends and family)that I figured I could count on to help move it for a year or so , but based on what I am learning they may not be able to handle a big 5w, so.... In antibody's experience , are there individuals or contractors that are readily available for such help?how do you find them?what or how do they charge? I know this is a little tough but advise is appreciated.
Are there contractors who can deliver it to wherever you want? Yes,  How else would a large 5-er get from the factory to the dealer

Smaller trailers may be loaded on a flat bed but large 5-ers normally get to the dealer the same way they leave, on a tractor (Either a heavy duty pick up or a modified Semi Tractor)  Personally.. I like the modified semi tractors better for this job.  The mod is different (sometimes) brake controls and a smaller 5th wheel
dassame said:
Howdy folks,
This may be too hard a question(considering time,locale,circumstances etc)but... I plan on buying a 5w and putting it in a park for a year or so. Since it won't be moved or used(towing) for a long time I haven't been worried about the truck.Now however, after reading so much about the weight/safety aspect I'm a little concerned. I know folks with good size pickups(friends and family)that I figured I could count on to help move it for a year or so , but based on what I am learning they may not be able to handle a big 5w, so.... In antibody's experience , are there individuals or contractors that are readily available for such help?how do you find them?what or how do they charge? I know this is a little tough but advise is appreciated.

I would imagine most dealers would know individuals who will transport an RV to whatever park you need. I work part time at a dealership and we have at least three individuals who contract to do this.
In antibody's experience , are there individuals or contractors that are readily available for such help?how do you find them?what or how do they charge? I know this is a little tough but advise is appreciated.

Not having partaken of the service myself, nor knowing were you live, I cannot make a specific recommendation.  However, a Google search on RV hauling gave me some lads that you can see HERE.    Bit more searching should get you others.
woodartist said:
Make sure they are insured. I know of people with trucks and hitches who move 5th wheels, but are not insured to do so.

Actually, I believe that services that haul in interstate commerce have to have an ICC ticket.  Maybe of our commercial truckers here can comment on this.

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