How to Delete SP2610 Waypoints

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2005
I finally overran the 500 waypoint limit.

The problem is when you download waypoints they are added to the ones already there.

The only way I know to delete them is one at a time.

Anybody know a better way?
Sorry Joel I have never let the waypoints get that high.  I either name the waypoint if I want to keep it or delete it when I'm done.  You can reset the counter to 001 by editing the waypoint nbr to 001.

joelmyer said:
I finally overran the 500 waypoint limit.
The problem is when you download waypoints they are added to the ones already there.
The only way I know to delete them is one at a time.
Anybody know a better way?


I upload all the waypoints to the computer and edit out the ones I don't want.  I delete all the waypoints in the 2610 with the one button delete.  Then I just load the edited list back into the 2610.

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