How to you level on uneven ground?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
A couple of weeks back we were doing an overnight at a Walmart where there was a another large motorhome with its slides out and levelers down. However both front wheels appeared to be a good six inches off the ground.

First question: From everything I've heard/read, this it not a good situation. What exactly is at risk? The slide mechanism(s)? The levelers?

When faced with such a situation, what is the recommended solution? For example, backed in to an uneven site where the back of the coach is higher than the front and "auto level" gets the coach to level but the front wheels are off the ground? In searching for answers I find tons of info about how to use leveling blocks or how to manually level, but not much on how the two systems (blocks & levelers) work together. Perhaps one would need to somehow block the wheels up and also have pads under the levelers?

Also, in the reverse situation where the front is higher than the rear, when you raise the rear to level would you need to use wheel chocks given the rear tires are what the coach brake uses?

Fortually to this point we've been able to find relatively level sites but I just want to be prepared to deal with any future scenario if our luck runs on in that regard.  :)
Usually you can get away with lifting the front wheels off the ground, like you said what you want to avoid is lifting the rear wheels clear because of the parking brake only working on the rear wheels.

Also, the rear axle carries much more weight than the front (four wheels vs. two) so you're putting much more pressure on the jacks and the ground beneath them if you lift the rear end.  This can be a problem if you're parked in a sloping parking lot, where the jack pads can break through the asphalt.

If you drive the rear axle of the RV up on blocks, make sure they have enough contact area that there's no chance of the RV tipping them over or sliding off - especially if you're also using leveling jacks to lift the rear end.

If you are in a severe situation, I'd use wide and stable blocks under the wheels to get close to level, then let the auto-level extend the jacks to trim the final level.  Or put up with the RV being slightly out of level.

I have heard a lot of "Yammer" about the risk.. For example "The front suspension can't take being "Hung" up that way..  Yea right. A system that has no problem holding up thousands of pounds will be bothered holding up a couple hundred. I do not think that will be an issuer

The big issue is that the leveler jacks are UP/DOWN devices. they are NOT designed to take a side to side or front to back load.

SO you are sitting there with both Front wheels off the ground and there is a Gust of wind (Oh say 80-90 MPH I've been hit with 100+) and .. the rig blows sideways. the jacks turn into very expenive PRETZLES and now you have a problem.

OR with both REAR off the ground it can happen if the blow is Front or Rear as well (or one rear for that matter)

That. I believe is the major danger.

I keep both rear and one front down at all times (Since my hydraulics are "out" just now I keep all 4 down at all times but I'm working on that.. eventually.  LUMBER WORKS).

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