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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Jun 15, 2006
Townsend, MT
;D Vince & Sally from Montana just introducing ourselves.  Since the Ol bones are starting to rebel from tent camping we decided to get a slide in camper (Arctic Fox 990) so we're new to this RVing thing as well as forums.  But we look forward to jabbering with you all & learning from your mistakes  ;).  We love most anything outdoors so drop us a line & say Howdy (for all you Eastern & midwestern folk, that's cowboy for Hello).  Blessings
Hi Vince & Sally. Welcome to our forum. Feel free to look around and please join in the jabbering.
Vince & Sally,

Hi and welcome to the RV Forum.  Where in Montana are you located? We have property in Lewistown.  Please join in on any of the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions.  Thanks for joining us.
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