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Ron from Big D

Moderator Emeritus
Jan 30, 2005
Dallas, Texas
High to all:

      Jim Johnson called me about an hour ago complaining that he hadn't seen me on the forum.  I've been there, but not posting.  I am a moderator on the Wanderlodge Forum and we have had a few problem children of late which has been consuming much of my time. 

      Shirley and I are doing just fine, but it is hot. (I wonder why?)  3 mornings a week are consumed with Cardiac Rehab.  I will finish it just before leaving for our second half of the summer trip to Oshkosh, WI and probably a loop around Lake Superior and Michigan.  During my rehab, I walk at 3.3 mph and vary it from 4 percent grade up to 9.  At 9, it is a real workout.  I should be ready for the restaurant hill in Moab next May.  Shirley goes a lot of the time and works out too.  We have been playing golf once a week with another friend.  Game is coming back.

      I changed the bushings on my front shocks yesterday.  They were completely shot.  Serviced the engine and the generator, so all should be ready to roll in a few weeks.

      I have attached a couple of photos of Sugar and Spice.  Ron Ruward should enjoy them, since they are buddies.  Let me know if there are any other photos you would be interested in.

      Have a happy 4th.



  • Sugar 2004 (Small).jpg
    Sugar 2004 (Small).jpg
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  • Spice 2004 (Small).jpg
    Spice 2004 (Small).jpg
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Hi Ron and Shirley

Glad to hear that you are doing so well and yes it sounds like you will be ready for the restaurant hill at Moab next spring.  Hope you will stop in Milwaukee on your way to Oshkosh because we would love to see both of you and give you the tour of Milwaukee.  I was beginning to wonder how you were too because hadn't seen any postings from you.  Keep us posted on your trip to WI and when you would be coming thru here.
Ron & Shirley,

Sam & I were wondering about you guys too since we hadn't heard from you for quite a while.  Good to hear you are doing well.  Liked the photos of Sugar & Spice.  We did miss you guys at Moab.  If you happen to get to Montana you know you are welcome at Sam's Camp.

Nice hearing from you Ron. Glad to hear all is doing well and that Shirley keeps you on your daily excercise routine. Great photos of the dogs.
Lorna said:
Hi Ron and Shirley

Glad to hear that you are doing so well and yes it sounds like you will be ready for the restaurant hill at Moab next spring.? Hope you will stop in Milwaukee on your way to Oshkosh because we would love to see both of you and give you the tour of Milwaukee.? I was beginning to wonder how you were too because hadn't seen any postings from you.? Keep us posted on your trip to WI and when you would be coming thru here.

    Would love to visit.  Not sure it will be before Oshkosh though.  Depends on when we actually get out of here.  Supposed to caravan with a friend who is a  judge for the fly-in.  We'll be in touch to see how it schedules.  If we get out of here early, we'll stop on the way up.  If not; we'll have to visit after the fly-in.

Ron said:
Ron & Shirley,

Sam & I were wondering about you guys too since we hadn't heard from you for quite a while.? Good to hear you are doing well.? Liked the photos of Sugar & Spice.? We did miss you guys at Moab.? If you happen to get to Montana you know you are welcome at Sam's Camp.

      Unfortunately, we won't make it to Montana anytime soon.  We will be in Moab the end of September for a photo workshop as well as Ouray, CO for another.  We missed everyone for Moab also.  Glad you like the photos of the girls.

Tom said:
Nice hearing from you Ron. Glad to hear all is doing well and that Shirley keeps you on your daily excercise routine. Great photos of the dogs.

      Thanks Tom.  Hope all is going well with you and your bride.  Glad you enjoyed the photos of the girls.  We are sure getting excited about being back on the road.  Looking forward to a lot more photography.


Rehab won't be over by the time you leave for OSH, its just beginning! Nothing like hiking all over the airport in 90+ temps. ;D ;D

Have Fun!
Jeff /Washington said:

Rehab won't be over by the time you leave for OSH, its just beginning! Nothing like hiking all over the airport in 90+ temps. ;D ;D

Have Fun!

    That's O.K..  Sure beats being home and in the 90's.  I"m really looking forward to the show.


It's going to be 92 in Milwaukee today.  Just like home for you :)
Ron from Big D said:
      Shirley and I are doing just fine, but it is hot. (I wonder why?)  3 mornings a week are consumed with Cardiac Rehab.  I will finish it just before leaving for our second half of the summer trip to Oshkosh, WI and probably a loop around Lake Superior and Michigan.  During my rehab, I walk at 3.3 mph and vary it from 4 percent grade up to 9.  At 9, it is a real workout.  I should be ready for the restaurant hill in Moab next May.  Shirley goes a lot of the time and works out too.  We have been playing golf once a week with another friend.  Game is coming back.

Great news and we're proud of you both. We love ALL of your pictures, Sugar & Spice included! Now when do we get one of the TWO of you?
Bob Maxwell said:
Great news and we're proud of you both. We love ALL of your pictures, Sugar & Spice included! Now when do we get one of the TWO of you?

    I guess we will have to work on that. ;D    I sent you a photo recently of White Sands, but you did not indicate that you got it, so I'm including it here.



  • White Sands 2005 025 copy (Small).jpg
    White Sands 2005 025 copy (Small).jpg
    39.2 KB · Views: 18

That White Sands picture is awesome. Where and how did you take that picture. we didn't see anything like that when we were there a couple of months ago.
Ron from Big D said:
? ? ?I guess we will have to work on that. ;D? ? I sent you a photo recently of White Sands, , so I'm including it here.

Whoooooaaaaa!  That photo is awesome.  I echo Bernies comment.  Boy Ron that is really  something.  Thank you for sharing.
Ron great picture, thanks for sharing it.  The heat here in WI isn't the problem it is the humidity, when you walk out of the coach and immediately start dripping you know the humidity is high.  Cleaning the outside of the coach today I think I lost at least a gal. of sweat and I was in the shade most of the time.
Great photo Ron.  Thanks for sharing it. 

Getting ready to head back to Sam's Camp tomorrow morning. Hot and Humid here like Houston.

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