Howdy from ICY and COLD Hondo, TX!!

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX
Howdy, Framily.
Yup, we are experiencing that cold ice storm that has been featured on the TV!! It has been about 12 years since Jack and I have had a "winter".  ;D
There are icicles hanging from the window awnings, the Jeep has a thin covering of ice and the front door was frozen shut for a time.  But we are very comfortable and warm in the Wanderlodge. The temp is supposed to go up to about 36 degrees and then go down to about 24 degrees tonight. Hopefully this weather will be done by Thursday.

Take care,
Jack and Liz
New record low yesterday in Tucson, 20 degrees. No precip this week though, but beautiful snow on the Santa Catalina mountains a few days ago.

We're considering a week in the McAllen / Mission, TX, area this Christmas week -- considering the present WX there, is there any climatological reason not to?
Well Liz:

    We have managed to escape anymore bad weather.  We are currently in Las Cruces, NM for the night.  We will probably be in Goodyear, AZ tomorrow night.  The coach is filthy and I need to get all the salt residue off of it.  Other than that, all is well and the coach is running really nice.

We currently sit about 12 miles from Pipe Creek Tx just around Medina Lake.  COOOOLD, ICY and Texas should not have white stuff on the ground.  Just heard on the radio that I-10 is closed E/W from Boerne to Junction.  Saw a few folks pulling out this am in the sleet, they are brave souls!  We still have a few more days of this stuff before it gets warmer, like in the 30's and 40's.
Be safe.

We waited an additional day in Las Cruces for the snow to disappear. I wasn't going to drive anywhere in the snow!

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