Howdy from Texas!

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Ed & Sami

Jun 19, 2005
Hi there!  I have been lurking on this forum for a little while and decided to jump in and introduce myself because everyone seems to be so friendly and eager to help.  My name is Sami. My husband Ed and I live in southeast Texas with our two 70lb Boxer lap dogs.  We don't have any children yet, but we're hoping to add to our family within the next couple of years.

I am brand new to RVing and my husband grew up in a family where pretty much all vacations were taken in a motor home or travel trailer.  We have been tent camping together since we first started dating three years ago and we've really enjoyed it,  but we've finally had enough of sweltering Texas summers.  We just purchased our first travel trailer yesterday - a 2005 Jayco Jay Feather LGT 27P.  We looked at what felt like a million trailers before coming across this one and we both knew instantly that it would be "the one."  We will be doing the walk-through/inspection on Tuesday and we're a little nervous about it, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that all will go well. 

We're planning to take a five day trip to a beautiful state park in central Texas next month.  We can't wait to get started!!  We have a lot to learn and we know that this forum will be an invaluable resource for us.  We're really looking forward to getting to know all of you.  :)

So where in Texas are you at? I have a lot of family there? Grew up there too. This site is wonderful. Been looking for about a month and decided to join tonight myself.
Hiya.? We're in Houston.? My husband is originally from Washington State and I'm a native Texan.?

I just read your intro post and looked at your pictures.? Holy cow.? That looks really scary.? I am so sorry that that happened to you and so glad that everyone is OK.?
Everyone is fine and now I get to go buy more stuff! Things have a strange way of working out! Small world. I am in Washington State, a native texan. I grew up in Mesquite,TX. Most of my family now lives in Conroe. Welcome and you will be amazed by the amount of knowledge stored in one place!
Ed & Sami

Welcome to our forum. Glad you decided to introduce yourselves. Congratulations on the new trailer, that's going to make a huge difference in your "camping". When you get to the state park, please snap a photo or two of the TT and attach to a message here for others to see.

Meanwhile, feel free to ask any questions about any aspect of the RV lifestyle.
Hi Sammi,

Welcome to the forum. Don't be nervous about the walkthrough. Just ask any questions you have and make sure you understand what the technician is saying. If not, ask again. I do walkthroughs on a part time basis in the summer. I've had many folks video tape the session. I don't like being on camera(G) but at least they can look at the video if they have a question.

We just took on the Jayco line of trailers but I haven't had time to really look at them. Work has been so slow I've only had 5 days in three weeks.

Be sure to ask any questions you might have here as well. There are many very experienced RVers here and they are more than willing to share. Hope you enjoy the forum and your new trailer.

Ed & Sami,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you joined us.  Congratulations on the new Jayco.  I'm sure it will provide you with many enjoyable trips.

Don't worry about the upcoming walk through. Take a note pad to take notes on and by all means ask any questions that come to mind during the walk through.  Ask questions about how all the systems work.

Please join in any of the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you have relating to the RVing lifestyle.
Ed and Sami, welcome from a fellow Texan.  Oh, how 'bout them Spurs!!  Anyway, I'm here in San Antonio (Helotes), and also am fairly new to RVing.  Where in Central Texas will your first trip be?  I'm always looking for the nearby "local" gems because so far, we've done almost every three day weekend camping, and a couple in between as well.  My wife and I really love it.  We take our Boxer along as well, most of the time.  She is still a pup, but she loves it.  If you're looking for those "gems" as well, our second trip (the first "real" trip) was to a place called Parkvew Riverside RV park in Concan, TX., right on the Frio River.  It is about 30 miles north of Uvalde off Highway 90, right beside Garner State Park.  An absolutely beautful park, great people there, and for our first real outing, it just made our investment in the RV worth it.  I will post a picture of a nearby "batcave", where at sunset every night, 10,000,000 (yes, that's ten million) Mexican Freetail bats come out to feed.  What an experience.  Anyway, welcome and hope you enjoy many more outings.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :)

And edjunior - it's nice to hear from a fellow Texan.? We are actually planning on going to Garner in July.? We really love the Frio River.? The clear water and beautiful cypress trees are hard to beat.We have only camped at state parks because we have been tent campers up until this point.? We are anxious to start checking out rv parks now.? I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the Parkview Riverside Park - we were just looking at that place online the other day.? Have you camped along the Llano river?? We're interested in checking that out soon too.?
I haven't camped the Llano yet, but have heard some very good things about it.  I'll get there eventually.  We're going down this weekend to Bolivar Penninsula (my Mom lives there) and camp at a brand new RV park there.  Shoot some fireworks from the beach, etc.  Then the next 3 day weekend I guess is Labor Day.  I suppose I should start making plans for that!  :D :D :D
Hi Ed and Sami,

Welcome to the forum. I have been in the semi lurk mode on this forum for over 10 years. You will find it a community of smart, caring, friendly people.

We live in Houston too....Well actually, The Woodlands. Houston is a big city, I think it was almost made a State a few years back ;D. What part of Houston are you in? We have been to Garner many times over the years, it's a great park. Huntsville, Blanco, Perdanales (sp?), Martin Dies are some of our other favorites.

Howard Leap
The Woodlands, Texas
Chinook Destiny 24'
Hiya Howard,

You're right - Houston is getting bigger every day.? The Woodlands seems like a really nice place to live.? We plan to make our way to the suburbs in the next couple of years when we start having children.? We've tent camped in Huntsville and Perdenales and really enjoyed both of them, but Garner is by far our favorite so far.? My husband and I were looking at Blanco on the Texas Parks and Wildlife web page and are considering going there soon.? Is the water clear there?? It was kind of hard to tell in the pictures.? I hadn't heard of Martin Dies - I'll have to look that one up.?

Blanco is a nice but small State Park (only 105 acres). The Blanco River is spring fed  and the water is clear. Is it as clear as Garner? You can Google the Blanco State Park and get a good idea for yourself... Check out ...if you dont have water runoff from rain storms you can see the bottom, just like Garner. The river is damed to create a pool for swimming (just like Garner) and the water flows over the dam at the entrance road.  The most negative comment comment I hear about Blanco is that it is too near the town (2-3 blocks from the entrance) and therefore not secluded enough for many.

Martin Dies State Park is Between Jasper and Woodville on Highway 190. Large (15,000 acre) Lake and decent fishing. They had to drain the lake recently to repair the dam a year. Supposedly, the water is back to normal levels but I don't know about the fishing. The Park is divided by Highway 190 and I liked camping on the South side better than the North. The campsites are all basically on or close to the water as the main camping area is on a Peninsula of land.


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