I will add one comment to that "Operate from time to time" line
If, like me, you live in an area where it gets, well, COLD,,, DO NOT OPERATE THE AC WHEN THE TEMPERTURES OUTSIDE GO BELOW 40 DEGREES (actually it's 30 something but Iforget what) as it may damage things.
I worked in an office that was designed to have the AC running year round. it was a very special AC unit with the compressor and accumulator tanks INSIDE where it was warm. The working parts of your RV's AC are outside and can and do "freeze" (note quotes) in the winter, this freezing is not, in and of itself, damaging to the AC (I do not think it turns solid, like water does, I think it just remains liquid, and the comnpressor is not designed to compress liquid, only gas, what's more even if it does turn solid, refiigerant does not expand when it freezes like water does, busting pipes, it contracts so it does no damage)
But once the mercury rises,,, Fire it up BTW.. Mercury also freezes outside in the winter, and I mean SOLID