Hydro Flame Furnace. 8535 III

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New member
Nov 26, 2006
The fan will come on but the furnace will not ignite. I want to check the sail switch but can't find it in the unit. Does anyone know where it is located?
If you low on gas it probally won't light.  Can you hear it trying to light the burner?  If so check to see if your orifice is clogged.  i had to clean a few Dirt Dabbers out of mine last month when the temp dropped enough for heater.

James L.
The fan comes on but there is no click to show me that it is trying to ignite.

One of our 8500 IIIs had the same problem and it was the circuit board. It is very east to pull the board and go to an RV parts house who can test it for you (Wing nut and two wire connections).

Here is a link to a schematic for a Hydroflame IV that is very close to the III, just check part numbers before ordering. Hydroflame Diagram
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