I am new here ...so hi ya'all

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New member
Jul 17, 2005
Hi my name is tonigil.? We live in NJ. I have a 2005 Class C GS BTC 24".? We travel with our dog, Brittney Spaniel, Sarah and our cat Smokey.? We have already put 11,000 miles on our RV.? We have traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific at least twice with this RV and 2 other times with our previous RV.? Thank you, Toni
Hi Toni and welcome to our forum. Sounds like you've made a couple of marathon trips in that class C.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you found us.  Please join in the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you might have relating to the RVing lifestyle. 
Sounds like you are enjoying your RV.

Ron said:
Welcome to the RV Forum.? We are glad you found us.? Please join in the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you might have relating to the RVing lifestyle.?
Sounds like you are enjoying your RV.
Thank you and sorry I took so long to get back here. We also had a few family health issues which has held us back this year.? But, we will be going again soon.? ? I have been working on a few things which I really don't know where to post on this forum.? So I will search around and see what category to post in.? Or maybe I should just ask here.?
Well here goes......
First let me say that we are very happy campers with our Class C.? So I am not on a personal crusade.?
Here is my explanation and question..............
I have met many RV friends on other forums who have had many problems with their new RV's, some have Class A, Class C, 5ers and TT.? I am not an attorney but I do have a lot of resources and I have also posted a petition on a "Petition Site".? My proposal is for a Federal Law to encompass all of the states in the US.? I intend to forward the results to Congress when it is completed.? I would like to post info on this forum for the members to read with links.?
Can you tell me where or what category on this forum would be a good place to post?
Thank you for any information and/or suggestions.?
  I would like to post info on this forum for the members to read with links. 
Can you tell me where or what category on this forum would be a good place to post?


Please wait for a directive from our Forum Adminitrator, Tom


Calls to action are not the primary focus of this forum. Other venues exist for this purpose.
tonigil said:
My proposal is for a Federal Law to encompass all of the states in the US.  I intend to forward the results to Congress when it is completed.  I would like to post info on this forum for the members to read with links. 

Some of us are way too busy having fun with our RV to get distracted with such nonsense.  ;)

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