I know more than anybody about...

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I know more about time travel than anybody because I am from the future. Anybody want some lottery numbers?
Ha ha.

My other half would say I know more than anybody about being right even when I'm wrong!
The thing I know most about is parenting, or mommying, but idk that I would go as far as saying I'm more knowledgeable about it than anyone else.
OK I get the idea....SO apparently I don't about this subject :D

I know more than anybody about being a GOOD EGG
Gizmo100 said:
OK I get the idea....SO apparently I don't about this subject :D

I know more than anybody about being a GOOD EGG

Scrambled, fried or poached?
Oldgator73 said:
Scrambled, fried or poached?

I wake up Scrambled....As the day wears on I become Fried........And I'm heading to the shower to get poached.

An EGG for all occasions. 8)
Gizmo100 said:
My goal is not just to be an Egg...But the Best Egg.

Even a cracked Egg is better than a Carrot

I?ll have two carrots over easy with hash browns, sausage and wheat toast.
Oldgator73 said:
I?ll have two carrots over easy with hash browns, sausage and wheat toast.

My skills are not what they use to be...


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