If you observe Christmas, what type of tree......

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Dec 8, 2006
Hello everyone,

This is assuming that you observe the Christmas holiday, and you put a Christmas tree in your RV:

What type of tree do you use?

-Artificial ?

-ceramic ?

-or a real tree ?

I myself am an artificial tree person.


We have an 18" articifial tree that we use on the kitchen table in the stick house. We collect miniature ornaments (Coca-Cola, Disney, Scooby-Doo) to put on it. When we go out in the motorhome for Christmas, we take that tree and the ornaments. Matter of fact, they're out in the motorhome right now, ready to head for Death Valley. Although, I am thinking of buying a small live pine tree this year to put in the RV.

Almost packed and ready to go
Bah Humbug  this year.  Small artificial 24" tree with lights included. 
Shayne, there is nothing "Bah Humbugish" about a small articifial tree. It's the spirit of Christmas that counts you old grouch. :)
There are several arguments in favor of an artificial tree, I will list but a few:

Cost: With an artificial tree you pay once, and only once, Of course you have to store it off season  but you don't need to buy a new tree every year.  Regis Filbin (spelling) visited a tree lot in NYC during one of his shows.  They showed him a nice, live 10' Christmas Tree, $300.00.... You can buy a very nice artifical tree for that price, two of them in some cases.

Life: With an artifical tree, you kill an iron mine and an oil well... With a live tree, you kill a live tree,  Trees are good, we need thousands more trees to make OXYGEN because OXYGEN is good, without it you die.

Fire Safety: Now, I do suspect there are some cheep artificials that may well be fire hazards, but a poorly watered real tree... SERIOUS fire hazard, and even well watered it can become one long about day 12 (12 days of Christmas)

Clean up.. Sheeding needles, Sheeding Needles Sheeding needles as we go, We are takeing out the old tree, Sheeding needles as we go
Darn  Wendy  you let my cat out of the bag.  Granson calls me Grouchy Granpa with a heart of gold.    The way these kids want to spend money they better find lots of gold when they grow up cuz they'll need it. LOL.  When we sold our huse last Dec  we had already given all the Xmas decor away, between the Son and Daughter. Don't want to start over, not at this age.
Sold both big artificial trees at this summer's yard sale. Rest of the stuff is going out next spring. I could bring you boxes of decorations is you need them Shayne  :D
wendycoke said:
We have an 18" articifial tree that we use on the kitchen table in the stick house. We collect miniature ornaments (Coca-Cola, Disney, Scooby-Doo) to put on it. When we go out in the motorhome for Christmas, we take that tree and the ornaments. Matter of fact, they're out in the motorhome right now, ready to head for Death Valley. Although, I am thinking of buying a small live pine tree this year to put in the RV.

Almost packed and ready to go

Thanks for sharing Wendy.

I'm jealous of your Coca-Cola ornaments.

Have a safe trip.

Thanks you Dear  But NO THANKS,    then I'd have to put them up and then take them down and then store them.  I'm retired  no more of that stuff.
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