Ignorant People

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"Don't worry, honey. The kids are wearing helmets."

Wally Gator, "You gotta try these new snacks. Crunchy like turtle and soft like puppy."

Gotta be tourists. Floridians wouldn't let their kids be caught dead with safety helmets. Oh, wait. Yeah they would.
What is wrong with these people. I could care less if the adults get eaten alive it’s the kids I’m concerned about.
Not only can they run fast, when their mouth is open, they can snap it shut fast and hard. When we worked in Everglades, tourists getting close to alligators for pictures was common. They did the same with rattlesnakes in Death Valley. Tourists frequently forget to pack their brains when going on vacation.
The gator was smiling :cool:
We were camp hosting at Myakka River State Park a few years back and watched someone try to grab a gators tail, an 8' gator! I called it in on the radio so the rangers could educate the individual, me I had an award. There was a large crowd watching him so I asked my wife if it be wrong to start chanting gator, gator, gator.
Whats the problem with that, in south Louisiana you often see the local kids playing with the gators, pulling on their tails, etc. Growing up a friend of mine had a great uncle who lived in Grand Chenier, who would wrestle with 6 ft gators when he we well into his 70's.

p.s. Gators can be hard to kill though, my wife has an uncle who hunts them professionally each year, a couple of years he had one that he shot 6 times before pulling it into the boat, then shot it 6 more times, it then chomped down on his leg, and he had to finish dispatching it with a hatchet.
My father used to bring gators home for us to play with. My mother told him nothing over 8ft when a big one was almost faster than my sister. The bigger they were, the crankier they were. Once they hit 15 ft, they tended to be cranky and didn't want to be rolled over and have their bellies tickled until they fell asleep. My dad would sell some of them when it was still legal to do so. Some he released into artisan well-fed ponds. Little gators would keep the water opening cleared out. Once they got too big, they would be caught and sold for meat and leather and a new little one would take it's place.

I caught my first gator when I was 9yo while we were out fishing. I wasn't allowed to keep it because my mom had already said we weren't allowed to bring anything back except fish. It was just a little tiny 3 or 4 footer. They are fun at that size.

My uncle wrestled gators in 5 to 6 ft of water for fun. He once collected the eggs, hatched and fed the babies until they were old enough to survive on their own, which is when he released them into the wild in an area where few humans went. Some stupid moron had killed the mother by sinking an axe into her head and chopped her tail off. Left her lying next to her clutch of eggs.

One of my cousins was married to one of the most "notorious" gator poachers in FL for a while. We used to have a copy of the National Geographic that had him profiled in it. We all thought it was funny. They misquoted him from beginning to end plus made things up. With the lies we knew they told about him, we wondered what else they lied about. But it was a good entertaining article which I guess was what they were aiming for.

Gators have gotten used to humans. That makes them very dangerous. My dad was often asked to remove gators from swimming pools back in the 60's and 70's. Then FL got silly about gators. Claimed that there were only 500 in the entire state. My cousin's husband thought that was real funny. He said the people who counted the gators simply didn't go to where they were. He said they only counted the ones on the golf courses and the golf courses needed more gators to keep the water hazards clean. I have often wondered if he did something about the lack of gators in the Palm Beach golf courses. wouldn't have been the first time he relocated a gator.
I don't see what the concern is. The gater was just sitting there all nice a perty. It wanted it's photo taken too. It even opened it's mouth and showed it's teeth for a great visual effect.

I was really expecting these people to reach down and pet the thing!
I have mixed emotions when viewing videos like this. Gators (and bears and snakes) are nowhere near as aggressively dangerous as many would have us believe, but they also deserve a lot more respectful caution than the family in this video is giving. It's one thing to be comfortable around a wild animal but quite another to encourage the kids get up close without even a warning about the risk potential. It should have been a learning experience about wildlife (with photos!) rather than a Disney-esque photo-op.
yep some people are just as dumb as a stone. Here we have a golf course washing away and what is this idiots first thought, duh im gonna sit on it. Moments later in video that part he sat on gave way. This is why when i hear of someone falling at the grand canyon its probably a stupid person for a selfy.

I was at Myakka SP a few years ago and a Japanese tourist and his wife or girlfriend apparently could not ready the signs. There was a really big alligator, maybe 9-10' long, sunning himself along the river where the tour boat goes. She was taking photos, and he was running up to the gator and swatting it on its tail, except she was having camera problems so he was doing it over and over. The alligator was feeling lazy that day, but after a while we also were about ready to cheer for the alligator instead of the tourist!! We at least wanted to see the alligator swat the guy back with its tail.

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