Illinois New guy

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Jul 20, 2006
Hi everyone, I am brand new here and to RVing. I purchased a 2006 KZ 26P Toy Hauler. I have not used it yet due to my busy work schedule and the wife and I working shift work with different days off. I am looking forward to being a part of the forum and gaining as much insight and information as possible. I am taking my first trip August 4th to Sturgis South Dakota for 2 weeks,(I live in Illinois). Like I said this is all new to me, I have never owned an RV and I am not shy about telling all of you, I don't have a clue what is involved. I am going to read the items in the library and hopefully that will be a big help. Time is ticking down until my trip and trying to get things ready, when I don't even know where to start will be a challenge. I am sure I will have many questions. I just don't want to mess anything up on the new trailer trying to figure out everything I need to do. Well I will be doing alot of reading in the library. Thanks
I strongly recommend spending a night or two in the rv to familiarize yourself with the systems and make sure everything works (and that you know how to work it).  Do it even if it is just in your back yard (but pretend you are away from home and can't run iback nto the house every few minutes).
Maxcustody said:
I have not used it yet due to my busy work schedule and the wife and I working shift work with different days off.  I don't have a clue what is involved.

We too "Did not have a clue"  on our first big trip.  We left on Christmas eve day and drove from Los Angles to Albequerque NM  straight through with snow storms, wind gusts, construction, rain,  hail and the dash  heater failed on our brand new rig.  My advice as Gary says is to "camp"  in the safety of your driveway to get familiar with the systems of the rig before your big trip.  You will be less stressed when you arrive and better able to enjoy the big outdoors.  We always thought it was kinda fun to just stay in the driveway.  It would not matter if both of you were there or not as you would then each have your own learning curve and set of questions to ask. Nothing like being all by yourself to generate some questions.  This way you cold stay connected to Forum and ask away! 
While I have no experience in RVs, I do in backpacking.  I would NEVER go out on a trip with an important piece of equipment that I hadn't tried out at home first. Trying to figure out how to set up a new tent, in the dark, during a rainstorm is a bad, bad idea......unless you are in your own backyard.

I'm sure the same principle applies to RVs..... ;D
ChinMusic said:
While I have no experience in RVs, I do in backpacking.? I would NEVER go out on a trip with an important piece of equipment that I hadn't tried out at home first. Trying to figure out how to set up a new tent, in the dark, during a rainstorm is a bad, bad idea......unless you are in your own backyard.

I'm sure the same principle applies to RVs..... ;D

Actually home does not provide a decent shakedown for an RV.  A person should take is first trip to an RV park with in a few hours of home.  That will give some experience in power and water connections and the use of gray and black tanks. sewer connections and dumping.  Since you are near home, and presumably your dealer, that should give you the best recovery from disasters.
Carl Lundquist said:
Actually home does not provide a decent shakedown for an RV.?

It's kind of like the kids going camping the backyard...too easy to run inside if it rains or you get bored. Better to be somewhere where you have to think about retreating into the house but close enough to get there if you really, really need to.

But I also need to say that there's something kind of fun about RVing in your backyard or driveway.
Jeesh, people!  Of course it's better to get away from home for a shakedown cruise, but MaxCustody already said he cannot get away due to job pressures. So the back yard may be the best he can do and it's far better than going out stone cold.
RV Roamer said:
Jeesh, people!? Of course it's better to get away from home for a shakedown cruise, but MaxCustody already said he cannot get away due to job pressures. So the back yard may be the best he can do and it's far better than going out stone cold.

I'm with you on this one.  Right after my wife and I bought our current trailer, I was working nights, and she was working days.  Took the trailer over to a friends house who has a big back yard, and set up there for the weekend.  We were less then 5 miles from the house, we were able to go to work, and was able to find out what worked and how.  Yep, just camp out in the drive way.  Oh, and we had a blast.

Thanks guy's and gals for the welcome. No I don't work for the FAA, but I do work for the Feds (Dept of Justice). I live in central eastern Illinois near the Indiana border. I am not sure how far Urbana is. We have a Illinois state park 3 miles from the house I think I will take the trailer up there and set it up for a few days.
Three miles is a nice distance, you'll be in a campground, and it will give you a better idea of 'RVing' than parking in your driveway.
Maxcustody said:
I am not sure how far Urbana is. We have a Illinois state park 3 miles from the house I think I will take the trailer up there and set it up for a few days.

Danville to Urbana is about 35 miles.  Is the state park Kickapoo?  That is a nice park.  Big pull thru sites in one of the three camping areas. 

It's Lincoln Trail Park in Marshall. It is a very nice park, has a nice big lake and nice restaurant. They have alot of camp sites. I talked to them today and I am going to stay there a couple of day's and nights next week. They have electric hook up but no water hook up. They have numerous places to fill the tanks while you are in the park. They charge $15 per night.

Empty gallon bleach bottles are handy to keep in the RV to use for fetching water when in campgrounds with no water hookups. We almost always have 4 with us.....2 for each to carry. When we leave home, we usually take them full of good Colorado water....mostly so the dog doesn't have too dramatic a change in his water supply.
Maxcustody said:
It's Lincoln Trail Park in Marshall.

I've done some hiking at Fox Ridge when driving by the area on the way back from backpacking in Indiana.  If you haven't done it I suggest a visit, especially on leaf turn.
Maxcustody said:
It's Lincoln Trail Park in Marshall. Scott

Lincoln Trail is a really nice park.  The wife and I have stayed there a time or two.  Sometimes I'm in Marshall (TRW Plant) doing pick-up or deliveries. 

Good Luck with your first trip.

Illinois guy here too, up in Kankakee.  /waves

If you get into mountain biking, Kickapoo has some nice trails and some nice people can be found here too:

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